Tialoc >>Consider this the fetus is a fetus from the moment of conception. Is a single cell a human being? No of course not. It may be a cell from a human being but it cannot be a human being in and of itself.>>>
It actually isn’t “a cell from a human being”; rather it is more than one cell after fertilization, which constitute a microcosm of the entire organism with everything contained in those cells, in potential form – including as was mentioned earlier by a previous poster, an entirely separate DNA, blood type, etc.
Prolife poster>>As far as the ‘part of the mother’ tripe, in post #109 Fergal provided basic anatomical information showing that the fetus is not connected to the mother by common tissue (your ‘not being able to tell where the mother ends and the fetus begins’ delusion).>>>
Tialoc>>The umbillicus is a delusion? Wow. Shared hallucination indeed.>>>
I doubt that the umbilicus qualifies as “common tissue”? It only exists incidental to the pregnancy, functioning solely as a conduit that is temporary by nature.
I believe “common tissue” would be a shared liver, or a shared heart, in other words tissue that was an integral or permanent part of the body. Thus, Siamese twins share common tissue if they have only one bladder between them, and so on.