Dj Roy Albert:
Fetuses breathe? Don’t you hate it when you make a slip that totally undermines your position?You, (like most pro-aborts) have used the term “fetus” to dehumanize a living, breathing person, a being fully dependent upon his/her mother for life.
So I can put you down as not wanting to discuss this respectfully?Dehumanization of the children murdered in the womb is where the crime of abortion began.
Wow! What a truly accurate and relevant “fact.”Fact: When a woman wants to give live to her child she refers to the child as a “baby” or “my baby”. When the child is unwanted it is called a “fetus”.
Yes the dark ages were so much more fun. So out of curiousity, Roy, you don’t go to any doctors, right? I mean since medical science is a tool of satan if you got a wierd lump on your neck you’d just stay home, right? Cause otherwise I’d just have to question your double standard.Medical science is a satans’ favorite tool. It makes gods out of complete fools & denies the exsitence of the one true God.