Tlaloc if you are interested in learning something rather than just using falsehoods to support a false premise, get a copy of “Symphony to the Unborn Child” which details a court case, not about abortion, but about the disposition of fertilized embryos when a couple could not decide what to do. The main witness, a French physician, who was the leading expert on certain genetic conditions, gave easily understood and extremely detailed testimony about the beginning of life, how the life develops and when life begins, or when personhood/humanness begins.
One of the interesting portions of the book dealt with your (false) premise that the unborn child is merely ‘part of a woman’s body.’ His analogy made a lot of sense to me. He said well if you are living in a house and you are totally dependent on the house to protect you from freezing to death, are you part of the house? No. Even though you are dependent upon the house for your very survival, it doesn’t mean you become the house.
Further and I found this fascinating, the sac in which the baby develops, can exist outside the uterus. IOW the baby “makes” his own environment. It is not part of the woman’s body although there is certainly a dependent situation during early development. As Katherine suggested, there is no reason (other than cost and practicality) that a baby couldn’t develop outside of the womb—sometimes they do in such cases as an ectopic pregnancy–even apparently completely outside of the uterus–although of course in such cases the area isn’t condusive to the growth of the baby nor its birth. But the baby isn’t ‘part of the woman’s body’ anymore than a comatose patient becomes part of his ventilator.
I really hope you are interested in learning something from this board rather than my fear you are an escapee from Beliefnet where this kind of rhetoric is applauded by the proabort/progay/prodowhateveryouwant crowd that infests that pestilence zone.
BTW isn’t your name some based on some hideous Aztec god that required child sacrifice? I really wonder about your motivation in posting here.
Lisa N