Rational Abortion Support

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Lisa N:
Geez, today I stumbled onto an episode of Book TV featuring Alan Derschowitz (sp?). He was asked about Roe v Wade and said it was a mistake for the proaborts to be so dependent upon the court systems because court decisions could be overturned more easily than legislation could be changed on a national basis. He said it was essential for the proaborts to organize now because Roe v Wade might be overturned (we can hope!). Further he kept reiterating that America supports ‘a woman’s choice’ of course he never finishes the sentence…‘to kill her baby.’

The irony? He was shilling his new book on HUMAN RIGHTS. I just cannot believe these people with a straight face can talk about the right not to have a nativity scene in the town square as being some kind of really important issue. Yet he can completely ignore the rights of millions of souls destroyed through ‘choice.’ Excuse me while I hurl…the comments were accompanied by a smug and supercilious grin. This man is so insufferable.

Lisa N
I agree Lisa, the whole evil concept is nausiating!If you want me I will PM you something I found on the web that shows there real agenda even if the little guys dont realise it.There is NO rational abortion support.God Bless
At what point does a human become a person? Whose faith decides the answer to the previous question? What’s best for women?
Sorry, but it is not a matter of faith. All that is required is that it be possible (even slightly even though it is more than that) that there is a human at conception, and abortion is off the table as a morally acceptable option.

Scott Waddell:
Sorry, but it is not a matter of faith. All that is required is that it be possible (even slightly even though it is more than that) that there is a human at conception, and abortion is off the table as a morally acceptable option.

Indeed. Although this is a Catholic board, when discussing abortion, I try to focus on the absolute scientific support for humanity beginning at conception. If the unborn baby is a human then there IS no ‘choice’ and this baby deserves protection just as every other human being does, regardless of their state of development or state of independence.

I THINK Derschowitz is Jewish (although undoubtedy secular) and for someone whose people were not treated as human, he seems to have no empathy for another group singled out for destruction.

Do these people ever LISTEN to what they are saying?

Lisa N
Scott, I fully agree that this is not a matter of faith. (And Lisa, I can’t listen to myself because I’m typing.) I apparently failed to make my point well, so I’ll try again. **PEOPLE WHO SUPPORT ABORTION DO SO BASED ON MISPLACED FAITH IN MEDICAL SCIENCE and/or COURTS and/or SOMETHING ELSE. **(Then many turn around and complain that we pro-lifers base our positions only on faith) Here’s the last paragraph that I wrote
So, we have found common ground! Once a human is a person, it shouldn’t be killed. Our faith in something tells us when a human becomes a person. And the mother’s best interest should be considered. Now the questions remain. At what point does a human become a person? Whose faith decides the answer to the previous question? What’s best for women?

The original post sought common ground. I attempted to find it so that we could engage in a logical debate. I don’t believe there can be rational abortion support because abortion support is based on **faulty **assumptions. A human is never really a non-person. Any attempt to separate personhood from humanity is silly at best and evil at worst. Abortion is a bad choice for both the mother and the baby. Abortion is illogical, (and apparently some of you thought my previous post was as well.) I hope I made my pro-life position clearer now.
Scott, I fully agree that this is not a matter of faith. (And Lisa, I can’t listen to myself because I’m typing.) I apparently failed to make my point well, so I’ll try again. **PEOPLE WHO SUPPORT ABORTION DO SO BASED ON MISPLACED FAITH IN MEDICAL SCIENCE and/or COURTS and/or SOMETHING ELSE. **
Gardenswithkids, I was referring to Alan Derschowitz’s comments, not yours. There are a lot of people in the ‘brain-iac’ world that are so full of their own hubris, they don’t realize that their statements are contradictory. IOW I thought it quite ironic that Dershowitz was shilling his book on “human rights” while dismissing the rights of millions of humans who are killed before they are born.

I do agree that many of the academic types think medical science supports their propabort philosophy, but in reality it does not. I just wish they would sit still and listen for a while instead of the smug pontificating.

Lisa N
So, we have found common ground! Once a human is a person, it shouldn’t be killed. Our faith in something tells us when a human becomes a person.
Actually not. Our faith does not attempt to p(name removed by moderator)oint personhood.

CCC: [2258](javascript:openWindow(‘cr/2258.htm’)😉 "Human life is sacred because from its beginning it involves the creative action of God and it remains for ever in a special relationship with the Creator, who is its sole end. God alone is the Lord of life from its beginning until its end: no one can under any circumstance claim for himself the right directly to destroy an innocent human being."56
Now the questions remain. At what point does a human become a person?
CCC: [2270](javascript:openWindow(‘cr/2270.htm’)😉 Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception. From the first moment of his existence, a human being must be recognized as having the rights of a person - among which is the inviolable right of every innocent being to life.72
Personhood is a possession (function) of human beings. Personhood does not make us human. The personhood issue is a dead end that belongs with other dead end concepts such as “subhuman” and 3/5 person. If you follow the personhood path you end in the same place as Peter Singer the Princeton bioethicist who states that even 2 year old children have no inherent right to life. The problem is bad philosophy, not science.
Whose faith decides the answer to the previous question?

As with laws against murder and rape, many issues transcend a particular faith. Being pro-life is not simply a sectarian position, any more than supporting laws against hate crime or child abuse.
Gabriel Gale:
Actually not. Our faith does not attempt to p(name removed by moderator)oint personhood.
Personhood is a possession (function) of human beings. Personhood does not make us human. The personhood issue is a dead end that belongs with other dead end concepts such as “subhuman” and 3/5 person. If you follow the personhood path you end in the same place as Peter Singer the Princeton bioethicist who states that even 2 year old children have no inherent right to life. The problem is bad philosophy, not science.

As with laws against murder and rape, many issues transcend a particular faith. Being pro-life is not simply a sectarian position, any more than supporting laws against hate crime or child abuse.:clapping: 🙂 :blessyou:
Originally Posted by Tlaloc
In this case i would not define a fetus before a scertain stage of pregnancy as a person for the simple reason that they are not a separate living organism. They are an extension of the mother’s body.

The very title, “RATIONAL ABORTION SUPPORT” is an oxymoron. Tlaloc, you are intellegent enough to wtite a post but your thinking [read logic] is lacking.

Do you know (as Lisa4 posted) the DNA of every enbryo and/or every unborn child IS DIFFERENT from the mother’s DNA.

The unborn child IS NOT an extension of the mother.

In the case of a mole, the DNA is identical to the mothers’s DNA. Not a separate individual.

***From the zygote and blastula/gastrula stages even before the nural groove is detectable the separate individual is a life unto itself, dependant on the mother for nurishment (only) the same as a nursing 2 month old individual. ***

Tlaloc, you are very wrong to promote the concept that an unborn baby is an “extension” of the mother. Sorry, but you are wrong.
I would not define a fetus before a scertain stage of pregnancy as a person for the simple reason that they are not a separate living organism

Ah you would not define the fetus as a person before a certain stage of pregnancy?? The Church does. End of argument 1.

The Child is not a seperate living organism? I am a teacher of anatomy and i can tell you that it is seperate but dependant. They do not even share blood. Things pass over the placental membrane but thats it! The diagram actually shows seperate blood supplies.

The use of the word Fetus is Propaganda. It tries to dehumanize a human being with potential.

Q - When does human life begin? Ans - In the beginning

Q - When does it end? Ans - At natural death or when someone else takes it.

Q - Does the act of Abortion involve other people deciding and acting to take another human life? Ans - Yes

Q - What is the difference between an 8 week old preborn human and a 21 year old human.

Ans - The 8 week old is defenceless and cannot fight back against others who try to kill it, the 21 year old can and will fight back and the law will protect him as acting in self-defence. He/She could even kill the assailants in self-defence and go free.

Q - If we all decide to call an Apple an Orange, does the Appple become an Orange. Ans - Common sense says no.

We are all human lives with potential from conception. A one year old baby has the potential to live to 80 years if it is not murdered fisrtly by its parents or by others.

Similarly, any preborn human has the same opportunity if it is not murdered.

Their is no dialogue. It is not a debate about, I prefer Pink but you prefer Purple. Abortion = Murder FULLSTOP. Similar futile debates were held about SLAVERY. Common sense tells you, would you like to be a Slave - No, therefore its wrong. Would you like someone to arbitrarily kill you - No, therefore ABORTION = MURDER is wrong. The Nazi’s when they killed the Jews simply reassessed them as being sub human. Apples no longer apples by decree of the Furher.

The only people who ever seem to try to rationise it are people who want to live immoral lives. It is a lifestyle choice. It is just simpler to murder someone if you can depersonalise it and it also helps other then to vote on it (To facilitate their lifestyles). it is interesting how the media rarely if ever will show the effects of abortion via images? Why, if it is nothing bad.

The earliest Christian document (Apostolic tradition) condemns abortion as murdering a child (Not a fetus).

Chapter 2. The Second Commandment: Grave Sin Forbidden.

You shall not murder a child by abortion nor kill that which is born.


Your argument is futile. An apple is an apple. Before Abortion became legal, all science accepted human life begins at conception. This is just a FACT. Also when does the soul enter the new human life if not at conception as God has revealed in scripture that he knows us all before we are even conceived? Scientific evidence please?
:whistle: I hear crickets:whistle: Where did he go?:nope: :hmmm: :ehh: Looks like Truth ran him off:D God Bless
From many of the comments I’ve read here I get the impression that at least some, if not most, of the posters feel that there is smply no possible way to rationally support abortion. Toward that end i thought I would write a short piece outlining one possible way of constructing a logical world view that indeed supported abortion rights.

The goal is not to convince anyone but simply to provide an opportunity for some here to see that it is possible to reasonably accept abortion. Once both sides recognize that the other has reasonable positions some attempt at finding a compromise can be sought.

Abortion is the removal of a fetus from a woman thus ending a pregnancy. Whether this is seen as murder depends entirely on how we define a person. In this case i would not define a fetus before a scertain stage of pregnancy as a person for the simple reason that they are not a separate living organism. They are an extension of the mother’s body. And hence removing them is no more unethical than removing a mole, or a cyst, or a damaged kidney.

Once a fetus has developed to the point that it would survive removed from the mother it can be said to be an actual person. It is at that point a separate living thing (althought temporarily still located within the mother). Where that point comes i couldn’t say, thats up to medical science to determine.

Shooting a dead body isn’t murder because we define murder as taking a life. Removing a cyst isn’t murder because while individual cells die the host organism lives on. Abortion (again before a certain point) would again not be murder because the fetus has no life of its own and the mother (the host) lives on after the operation.

Logically the argument hangs together. Its a matter of what premises we start with. Obviously if you contend that a fetus is a separate living thing at conception then your conclusions will be different.
You know, any moral evil can be justified if you manipulate definitions to favor your stance. Besides, your definintion of a person is completely illogical. A cyst will never grow into an adult human. A fertilized egg, however, will grow into an adult human. Comparing abortion to removing a cyst is asinine. Not to mention that if a fetus is an extension of the mother’s body, then it would seem that humans reproduce by budding…

I’m not sure if anybody already said something along the lines of what I did, but I refuse to read the two pages of this thread when the opening premise is completely illogical.
I would not define a fetus before a scertain stage of pregnancy as a person for the simple reason that they are not a separate living organism

Ah you would not define the fetus as a person before a certain stage of pregnancy?? The Church does. End of argument 1.

The Child is not a seperate living organism? I am a teacher of anatomy and i can tell you that it is seperate but dependant. They do not even share blood. Things pass over the placental membrane but thats it! The diagram actually shows seperate blood supplies.

Thanks for this information. It is amazing how much SCIENCE supports a prolife cause. IF the proaborts would simply resort to reason and not be confused by the facts, they would likely change their minds about “rational” abortion support. I realize there are still those who emotionally see this tied up in womens’ power over their lives and unborn children are simply collateral damage in this perverted struggle.

But I digress. Tlaloc and his ilk often claim the unborn baby is ‘part of the mother’ which is utter baloney. Your illustration demonstrates this extremely effectively. Further everyday our docs operate on patients whose blood is oxygenated by a machine. Are they part of the machine because at that point in time their lives depend upon it? There is simply no logic although the proaborts try to claim the high ground and ‘science’ as their guide.

Lisa N
Abortion is the removal of a fetus from a woman thus ending a pregnancy. Whether this is seen as murder depends entirely on how we define a person. In this case i would not define a fetus before a scertain stage of pregnancy as a person for the simple reason that they are not a separate living organism. They are an extension of the mother’s body. And hence removing them is no more unethical than removing a mole, or a cyst, or a damaged kidney.
Faulty logic.

Say I don’t like my legs. I want them removed. My reasons are my own. NOt only do I want my legs gone, I want the govt to pay for said removal and rehibilitation.

My legs are just cells, they are not really alive, and will not survivie without me.

My body, my choice. Now, where’s a doctor who will not have any ethical qualms about performing said procedure.
Once a fetus has developed to the point that it would survive removed from the mother it can be said to be an actual person. It is at that point a separate living thing (althought temporarily still located within the mother). Where that point comes i couldn’t say, thats up to medical science to determine.
You will not find the term “person” in any medical text, simply because “person” is a purely semantical term with no basis in science or medicine, it’s one of those terms some lawyer with too much time on his hands cooked up.

Murder is also a semantical term.

Murder is the illegal killing of a human, whereas homicide is just thekilling, therefore, abortion is not murder, but it is homicide.

Personhood can not be defined by development as personhood is not a medical term.

It is also purely subjective to allot said term of personhood to a foetus from x point onwards. In some places a child born at 19 weeks can survive with medical intervention, other places 28 weeks. HOwever, from 8 weeks post conception the foetus is fully formed. What then, other then size, is the difference between those three foeti? What makes one more of a “person” then the others?

The foetus, as mentioned before, by others, is not the mother, but in the mother.
Shooting a dead body isn’t murder because we define murder as taking a life. Removing a cyst isn’t murder because while individual cells die the host organism lives on. Abortion (again before a certain point) would again not be murder because the fetus has no life of its own and the mother (the host) lives on after the operation.
Now that really shows the illogic in the pro-choice movement.

What defines life? Personhood does not define life. MRS GREN does.

Movement = The foetus moves.
Respiration = This is on a cellular level. Yes the foetus respires.
Sense = The foetus will sense and respond to introductiosn into the womb.

Growth = That’s a no brainer. The foetus grows.
Reproduction = Again, cellular level.
Excretion = Yes, the foetus does this also.
Nurtion = It takes this from the mother.

From 6 weeks the foetus has brain waves. If we measure death as when the brain waves cease, then shouldn’t we measure life as beginning at when they start. Although, I beleive abortion is completely immoral at any and all stagers for any and all reasons, but that’s a moot point.

The foetus is alive.

You cannot compare semantics with medical science. The foetus can be whatever you want to call it, ‘non person’, ‘baby’, ‘foetus’, ‘blob’, ‘zombie’ whatever. The “uterine entity” is biologically alive, removign it, will kill it.
Logically the argument hangs together. Its a matter of what premises we start with. Obviously if you contend that a fetus is a separate living thing at conception then your conclusions will be different.
Not really.
vera dicere:
Faulty logic.

Say I don’t like my legs. I want them removed. My reasons are my own. NOt only do I want my legs gone, I want the govt to pay for said removal and rehibilitation.

My legs are just cells, they are not really alive, and will not survivie without me.

My body, my choice. Now, where’s a doctor who will not have any ethical qualms about performing said procedure.
Momentarily hi-jacking the thread—
There was a special on, I think it was HBO, several months ago about this very topic. There are indeed doctors worldwide who perform just such surgeries as you describe, for the exact reason you describe. Their rationale is that it is for the psychological health of the patient wishing to undergo amputation.
[/thread hi-jacking]

Have a great day,
Momentarily hi-jacking the thread—
There was a special on, I think it was HBO, several months ago about this very topic. There are indeed doctors worldwide who perform just such surgeries as you describe, for the exact reason you describe. Their rationale is that it is for the psychological health of the patient wishing to undergo amputation.
[/thread hi-jacking]

Have a great day,
Yes, a couple years ago I was at a conference where a well known psychiatrist lamented that he could not get surgeons to amputate genitals for men who want to women. Surgeons were understandably reluctant and argued that they would not amputate normal body parts. This psychiatrist responded that the genitals were not normal for those men! Of course, cosmetic surgery is a less dramatic example of people mutilating normal body parts.
By this definition we have a pretty clear demarcation of when it is human: when it could live on its own outside of the mother’s womb. As I said determining when precisely that happens would be left up to medical science.
Really? Peter Singer, call your office.
Well, no it’s not a crime (Roe vs Wade). Whether its right or wrong we can discuss but it is most assuredly not a crime in the US to get an abortion within the first trimester.
But you will get charged with double murder if you take the life of a pregnant women even if she just concieved the day before you killed her.
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