Raymond Arroyo slammed from all sides

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I think Arroyo has slowly been coming around to the dim reality that something is not right in the Church. For many years I would say Arroyo has been hesitant to engage in the type of coverage that Voris and ChurchMilitant have been doing.
Speaking of Michael Voris, check this out:

Um, has Raymond Arroyo publicly brought up Voris’s confrontation of Bishop Malone? It is very much worth noting that Voris has been critical of EWTN in the recent past.
I watched that Vortex where Voris confronts Bishop Malone in the airport. After 4 minutes of following him and asking the same questions over and over with no reply, the bishop finally gives in and decides to answer him. He turns and faces the camera for the first time and starts to explain. Four seconds into the bishop’s answer, Voris cuts him off by yelling more accusations (@5:24).

I want answers, too, but it seems like Voris is more interested in grandstanding than in answers. That’s too bad.
I don’t know if there is an official title.

But he contributes to Fox News a lot nonetheless.

Fox News should bother most Catholics.

(Except those that favor Trump over Pope Francis, of course)
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You could make that broad argument for every cable news network out there. There are aspects of each of the major 3 that bother me; Fox far less than CNN now and MSNBC during the previous decade.
I don’t defend news stations for the sake of news stations.

But I do defend the Catholic Faith.

And I find the views and tone of Fox News to be extremely problematic, especially in its often-defense of the most anti-Christian president Sir Donald.

The secular liberal media is not often a fan of the Catholic Church, either.
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That’s great. Funny how people can view things. I find Trump the most unlikely of Christian-allies, and many I know agree, so we will have to disagree.

Makes it hard for faithful Catholics to find common goals in society when they have such polar opposite opinions, but oh well.
Trump a Christian ally?

That’s a ridiculous thing to say. You mean an ally towards Evangelical (even Catholic Evangelical) conservatives who don’t seem to sweat much over the president’s own moral example, not to mention his policies and positions which could care less for the poor, migrant, and suffering in general. Or the planet. Or anyone other than himself.
Ok. So…we already know your political views. I hear them on CNBC daily. But there is a question to be asked here. How many of those “Evangelical conservatives who don’t seem to sweat much…” do you personally know?
Statistically, that’s the 40% or more of the voters in this country so you should know a lot of them We are talking about maybe a 100 million heartless people all around you. How do you survive among such monsters, I wonder.
A “shrew”? 🤨 I’m a bit amazed to see such a sexist term still being used, particularly here on a Catholic forum.

Just in case the response will be, “but Arroyo is male,” please realise that a sexist term is still sexist even when applied to a man. It’s no different than using the ‘b-word’ or the ‘c-word’ to describe a man; these are still sexist expressions regardless of the intended ‘target,’ and I would hope that the Catholic gentlemen (and ladies! 🙂 ) on this forum would refrain from using such terminology.

Thank you in advance for your consideration.
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@ontheway1, The Catholic Church welcoming and serving refugees is not “deciding to mix itself with politics”; it is obeying Jesus Christ. Do u think when u die you will stand before Jesus proud of these types of opinions? Do u think Jesus will ask you about what a good American or Republican or conservative you were, or what a good Catholic and Christian you were? You have no right to criticize the Church for following the Law of charity over the law of worldliness that your statements against the church in support of a pundit suggest you value above the sermon on the mount.
Maybe send agents to expedite processing the migrants?

It’s not like we weren’t expecting them.
Not sure what this is in reference to. You are attributing this quote to the wrong person. I believe it is God and not people on this forum will be the final judge.
Refugee discussion is off topic, as my original post had to do with Raymond Arroyo.
In regard to the refugee discussion, I am opposed to all those who are virtue signalling and assuming the politically correct posture that is “holier then thou”, but who actually do absolutely nothing to help the refugees.
Anyone who has refugees living in their home, who is actually working DIRECTLY with refugees and not just using them as cheap labor, please chime in.
That sounds similar to the argument used by pro choice people that unless you adopt, you shouldn’t opine on abortion.
“RA is VERY decisive. It seems you must be anti-Francis to actually like him.”

I like Raymond Arroyo. And I am definitely not “anti-Francis.”
Have you watched “The Papal Posse” section of Raymond Arroyo’s show?

I have enjoyed Raymond Arroyo’s faithful and passionate defense of the Catholic faith in the past. 4-5 years ago all of my observations of him indicated to me that he was a good source for the pro-Catholic, pro-Vatican position.

I no longer believe that the pro-Catholic and the pro-Vatican position are the same thing. There are real problems with the things that Pope Francis is doing and a substantial course corrections is necessary IMO (of course I am a heretic so this is easy for me to say).

It seems very likely that if today was the year 1810, I would be a Catholic.

I thought it possible that I was being drawn (by God and reason) to the Catholic Church as I considered returning to Catholicism some 15 years ago when John Paul II (who I respected and continue to respect) was the Pope.

The Catholicism I found to be compelling 15 years ago is not the Catholicism espoused by Pope Francis. Today, if things I consider very unlikely, occurred, and I choose to realign myself with the Roman Catholic Church; I would align myself with the SSPX groups. I attended a Latin mass with them about 8 years ago, but before the papacy of Pope Francis, I considered them to be too much “private judgment” to be NOT the most authentic source for Catholic truth. Today, I consider the SSPX groups to be the most authentic source for Catholic truth.

Perhaps in dialogue with a heretic, me and others, you do not think it appropriate to air the dirty laundry; but it comes across to me as a denial of reality.

IMO, the SSPX organization (with their tortured connection to the Pope and the Vatican) is more likely to be the proper representation of Christ’s Church on Earth than the Pope and the Vatican. AND, neither the current Vatican church nor the SSPX looks as likely to be Christ’s Church on Earth than the Catholic Church when Pope John Paul II was Pope.

I suppose that Bishop Bernard Fellay (a SSPX Bishop) is pro-Vatican and pro-Pope Francis in ways that Mel Gibson (a Sedavacantist) and I (a heretic) are not. But, I would not say that Bishop Bernard Fellay is pro-Pope Francis and I would not say that Raymond Arroyo is pro-Pope Francis either.

Are you sure you have paid close attention to Raymond Arroyo over the last year?

Charity, TOm
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Anyone who has refugees living in their home, who is actually working DIRECTLY with refugees and not just using them as cheap labor, please chime in.
U think the Church is abusing refugees as cheap labour? If not, what has this to do with your comments where the church is concerned? This is a Christian forum, a Catholic forum. The reference to “virtue-signalling” is frankly out of place. Virtues should be the business of every Christian. If you are truly not interested in exhortations on what is good vs evil, right vs wrong, or in reference to Christian Charity as our guide, then you’re surely in the wrong place, no?

Also, it is certainly better to do “nothing” than to criticize those who do something like you were doing, and against the Church and her charitable works, no less.
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It is exactly the same sort of argument. Imagine telling Jesus that no one should speak on behalf of the foreigner unless he has one in their homes? What a strange argument. Testament to how far away from Christian thinking politics can really take you if you are not careful.
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