On Christmas Even I visited a RC church just to see what it was like. My impressions:
- Tone/atmosphere: My church (Espicopal) - formal, reverent. This RCC -like many protestant churches - modernish, more like a social get-together.
- User friendly? Hmmm… No programs to follow, no missals in the pew.
- Sermon - generic (“Love your family”), 97% of it could have been delivered in a temple or a mosque.
- Ratio of parishioners to priest: Pack 'em in, say the mass, move 'em out. Then another mass with another huge crowd.
- Bored or distracted people (a higher % than in most Protestant churches I’ve visited).
- Attitude of priest: Seemed very overworked, in need of a long vacation…
Uhm??? You must of really visited a catholic Church since this all seems like it could be true.
But here’s the rest of the story. One parish or one priest does not a Church make. The Catholic Church is the body of Christ and we are like cells and organs in that body. We each have a function and support each other. And yes, sometimes there is even cancer or illness in that body. That does not make the body bad, just the cancer or illness. We have white blood cells in our Church body that sek out and destroy that cancer whenever it is uncovered.
I am Catholic because Christ founded one body and told us to be of like mind and to be loyal. He is the head of that body. He promised us a great reward in the end for those who were loyal. He promised also that to follow Him would be difficult. Sometimes going to a mass with a boring preist in a church building that looks more Baptist then Catholic is difficult. I did not become a BORN AGAIN CATHOLIC for a priest or a building though, I crossed the Tiber and came home to Rome for Jesus.
Do not join any religion or denomination because it feels good. I watched Harry Potter movies and felt good but I did not become a witch. I enjoyed AWANA programs and loved going to Baptist social activities but I am not Baptist. I loved being in the Marine Corps but I am not out killing people today. Follow Jesus where ever He leads you, follow the Holy Spirit where ever He leads you, follow Heavenly Father where ever He leads you. Do not follow your feelings, they can be wrong and influenced by Satan. Follow Him and only Him. He did not promise you life would be easy nor did He promise it would feel good. He did promise those who followed Him and obeyed Him a great reward.
I do not like the parish church I go to now, it looks too protestant like a civic center for a stage show. The preists on the other hand have great homilies and are wonderfull people. The parish members have many problems like those you describe.
Why be Catholic? Because Jesus founded the Catholic Church on pentecost 33 A.D. I can think of no better reason then that. I go to mass for Jesus and to worship Him, not because it feels good. I am Catholic for my salvation not because it feels good or is easy. There is but one road and that road is Catholic. Take the good and fix the bad.
Perhaps you could be the spark in that parish that will fix some of the problems you mentioned. Remeber, Catholics aren’t the only ones with a few mediocre clergy or members. It is a human problem not a theological problem. The Dogma, Faith and Morals of the Catholic Church are perfect, its members are human and thus sinners.
Wish I could write more but my break is over.
God bless and pray about your choices,