Please look at the Catholic Church from the perspective of history. An ecumenical council always causes upheavel in the Church (there have been 20 in 2,000 years). History shows that it takes about 100 years for the Church to assimilate the decrees of a general council. We are only 40 years out from Vatican II. It will be about 60 more years before equilibrium returns. But the barque of Peter has never capsized, has never taught heresy, has always taught exactly what the Apostles taught, has always preserved the Deposit of Faith of which she is the sole guardian, and there’s no reason to believe she will fail now. Christ said, “the powers of death shall not prevail against (My Church).” The Church is Christ’s presence on this earth; when the Church speaks, it is Christ’s voice you hear (Luke 10:16).
A new liturgy was introduced by VII, called the Novus Ordo, replacing the Latin Tridentine Mass. Us humans being the way we are, compliance with the directives of the Church for its celebration have been uneven. There has been confusion, to put it mildly. A new group of “liturgists” emerged from the universities, and liturgical experimentation has been rampant in the U.S. The Church has issued directives which have not been enthusiastically implemented by the American Bishops, but slowly things are getting better. (There was talk of an American Catholic Church – a schism – at one time.) The Pope has had to deal with unruly children in the midst of turmoil.
Recently a revision to the General Instructions of the Roman Missal was approved by Rome and issued to all parishes. There was still a problem, so Rome has issued yet another directive on the liturgy – Redemptionis Sacramentum. To read it, go here:
This Church is HUGE. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is celebrated in 236 of the world’s 238 countries. No other Church has such a presence in the world. So give it some time to get this liturgy problem squared away.
No matter how disappointing or uninspiring you may find the liturgy to be on any one occasion, or in any one Church, or celebrated by any one priest, there’s one thing certain: there you will find the Real Presence of Christ, His Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity – the True Eucharist.
The Rt. Rev. Graham Leonard, former Bishop of London, the third ranking Anglican in the world, is now an ordinary Catholic priest. He found Anglicanism to be spiritually bankrupt. Beatiful trappings yes, but what good is a empty shell when one is hungry for Truth and Real Food. Father Leonard belongs to a Catholic order called Miles Jesu (Soldiers of Jesus). To read about it, go here:
You couldn’t drag me out of this Church! I like to think I would die for it, like the martyrs do even today in China and other countries. It ain’t easy being Catholic, but it’s a Faith worth dying for.