I went through RCIA, sort of, fairly recently. I say “sort of” because I started in February and I feel like I missed a lot. I enjoyed our classes but I didn’t love them, and I do feel like some, er, “progressive” ideas were put forth, like there is no reason to not ordain women to the priesthood, etc. After I was confirmed I had a hard time getting replies from the RCIA leader, and the priest at that parish was somewhat distant, I thought. So I joined a committee, and then sort of fell away for several months. Thankfully we have a fantastic Catholic radio station locally where I have received more catechesis than I could have hoped for and I continued to listen to that station. After those few months I went to another parish and made a full confession including missing Mass, etc, and so far this other parish has been “a better fit” for me. I’m not sure that it’s OK to have gone “parish shopping” since we are the universal Church, right? but I was having a very hard time at the other parish.
So I attended at my new parish for some time, finally switched over my registration recently, and my son will be baptized there. I am actually looking forward to HIS religious education as I am quite positive there are still many gaps in my knowledge, which is why you will find me on here sometimes asking seemingly stupid questions as I try to make sure we are raising him with a good Catholic foundation. It is definitely a challenge as I try to make sure I have all the information right; thankfully he is still young.
But, yeah, I would say my RCIA experience wasn’t the greatest. One of the women did follow up with me several times and I appreciated her staying in contact since I didn’t know anyone else at the parish and it got kind of lonely going to Mass (daily, even, at the time) but not having anyone to talk about it with in between. Figuring out how to go about everyday life CENTERED around Christ in the Eucharist is where I still have much to learn and where I would have liked more help.
I am rambling. I have some regrets about my RCIA experience but there are always going to be imperfections, which is what I sort of had to realize and accept. I am happier now and in the process of realigning all parts of my life which is certainly only through grace.
Cheezey, I will keep you in my prayers. Your situation sounds quite frustrating!