Thank you for the link.
I am a bit skeptical of this North American Forum, this article from Catholic Culture quotes the founder (bold added):
Father Lee told conference participants that his agenda for ecclesial change is closely tied to the process of catechesis. To explain, he
quoted the late Father James Dunning, founder of the North American Forum on the Catechumenate. (That organization, created to promote the RCIA, pioneered an “initiation” process that avoids a dogmatic approach to the faith while emphasizing the affective aspects of religion. The program also gives itself a great deal of room in which teachers can interject political or social messages, as many bewildered converts—and would-have-been converts—have discovered.) Father Dunning was not known for his orthodoxy. Reportedly, he once told participants at a seminar in Michigan, “For heaven’s sake, the Eucharist is not literally the body and blood of Jesus… Jesus does not exist in a crumb!” But here Lee recalled Dunning’s remarks at the 1994 conference of the North American Forum for Small Christian Communities: “I see little long-term hope for the catechumenate unless there’s a connection between SCCs before, during, and after initiation.” SCCs, Lee explained, “give a cohesiveness, a sense of who we are, a Catholic identity at a level that, if it takes hold there, will catch on at the parish level and the whole Church.”