I have asked, they gave us a handout basically saying that a few prayers an exorcism etc will be done, we have one person in the class being baptised,
other than that its all hush hush and secretive,they even have a “practice” for these scrutinies,
I did the ash Wednesday thing and was profusly sweating and my breathing was fast and shallow, I almost passed out just from that and it was the whole congregation participating…
But it dont matter anymore anyways I am not getting up and being humiliated by noone for no reason, I cant see any good in humiliating someone in this way at all, If thats what the church is all about humiliating people its not for me.I feel all people no matter if they have or dont have religion should be treated with the utmost respect and dignity, the way I feel me attending all these classes shows enough “will” but apparently the Church wont be happy till i am puking and passing out in front of everyone from my hometown,which is exactly what is going to happen, I was in front of everyone for less than 3 mins during out trip to our diocese for conitinuing call, and had to leave to find a bathroom to puke in but i made it through the blessing.but almost did pass out.
I didnt go through comencements at Graduation for same reasons
and I dont see how making me the laughng stock of a small city will help me “find a way” to get more faith.
I dont nor ever have seen anything in the bible where Jesus humiliated anyone in front of a crowd for wanting to follow him,
So I will contact the church tomorrow and let them know i am done with it…I sure aint going to attend tomorrow to be humiliated…besides i am feeling QUITE ill right now
But thanks for the replies