Sacraments are normally always celebrated within Rites, and I used the “R” because they are not just simply ceremonies. In extreme emergencies Sacraments can be celebrated validly outside of their Rites. We could Baptize infants Saturday afternoon by lining them up and going down the line, I Baptize you in the Name of the Father…Pour the water, next, next, next. Of course we could and they would be validly Baptized. But do we want to do it that way, should we do it that way? Does it really have the same impact and meaning?I did not say that I perceived a military or academic structure in the Church, nor am I expecting or seeking same. I was responding to Br Rich’s repeated use of the descriptors “required” and “must be done” as applied to rites. He said the rites were “required” and “must be done” and I thought that meant that the rites were “required” or “must be done” in the most direct of interpretations, i.e., with penalty for failure.
We have speed limit signs along our streets. Should we or must we obey them? NO, they are really only suggested speeds. Most people go 10 or 15 mph over those posted and they still get where they are going don’t they? Well most of the time anyway.
The Rites provide information and meaning along the way through to the Sacraments , about what we are doing and why we are doing it. IF we get where we are going that is all that matters, right? How we got there or what route we took doesn’t really matter. I don’t think so.