That’s a riot. Which “plain and precious truths“ have been left out? Substantiate that claim please. We have manuscripts from 30 years after the last book was written. No plain and precious truths are missing.
We don’t know because they’ve been… left out.That’s a riot. Which “plain and precious truths“ have been left out? Substantiate that claim please.
Which manuscripts are you referring to? Obviously, matters such as these need to be taken on faith. Some religious truths simply cannot be proven empirically.We have manuscripts from 30 years after the last book was written. No plain and precious truths are missing.
The John Rylands Papyri aka “P52” is the size of roughly a credit card. Everything is missing from that fragment except for three verses! And where is Paul’s epistle to the Laodiceans? (See Col. 4:16)The John Rylands Papyri.
If the missing books you’re referring to are the Apocrypha, Joseph Smith inquired of the Lord on the matter and received this response:But the King James Version is not the earliest version of the bible. In fact it is missing 7 books. The very first iteration of the canon of the Bible was first decided at the Council of Rome in 382 AD. It is the Catholic bible (77 books as opposed to the King James’ 66 books). So why wouldn’t the Mormon Church use that iteration of the bible?
In fact, the very first protestant bible had 77 books in it as well. It was called the “Bear Bible,” and it wasn’t until later that those 7 books were taken out.
Wouldn’t Joseph Smith known this if he was telling the truth?
The problem with this assertion about the 328 council is that it is a council of bishops, not apostles. Only apostles have authority from Christ to direct the affairs of the entire Church. Bishops are meant to make local decisions. We believe that Joseph Smith was ordained to the apostleship and therefore was authorized to make such decisions.The very first iteration of the canon of the Bible was first decided at the Council of Rome in 382 AD. It is the Catholic bible (77 books as opposed to the King James’ 66 books). So why wouldn’t the Mormon Church use that iteration of the bible?
In fact, the very first protestant bible had 77 books in it as well. It was called the “Bear Bible,” and it wasn’t until later that those 7 books were taken out.
Wouldn’t Joseph Smith known this if he was telling the truth?
I have no clue. I think it’s safe to say I’ll probably never dive deep into the Apochrypha/Deuterocanicals in my lifetime.Which things contained therein are translated incorrectly? Any examples?
Hello g, you’ve actually touched on theology regarding the word “logos”, which is the word in the original Greek that is translated to “Word”. Logos indicates much more than “word”, going into the concept that Jesus is the expression of God’s thoughts. Logos indicating thoughts, reason, judgement…so you’re on the right path here.This is a false analogy. My word is not a person distinct from me, but solely an expression of my thoughts.
This goes back to related questions you’ve had about the Trinity, where the answer is that Jesus is fully human and fully divine. He is our mediator, and has His relationship with us and His relationship with Father and Holy Spirit. So at His baptism, what the Word has to say to us, is His baptism. What does Jesus’ baptism say to you? (You don’t have to answer that, but just a good thing to think on.)On a related topic, how do you reconcile Matthew 3: 16, 17 with John 1:1?
After Jesus was baptized, he came up from the water and behold, the heavens were opened [for him], and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove [and] coming upon him. And a voice came from the heavens, saying, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased."
Here you have Jesus “the Word” being baptized, and God the Father literally speaking words of divine approval. Here we have the Father’s word of approval, which is clearly separate and distinct from Jesus (the Word).
I am very glad you are debating with us. I don’t think what you are doing is wrong whatsoever. Debates bring consensus, consensus brings us closer to Truth and God did say “I am Truth”.I believe that proselytizing is forbidden, but this is a debate forum and debating is allowed.
Do you have a reference? I don’t recall hearing that the label of apostle was given for this reason.Gazelam,…
The reason we distinguish the apostles is so we know who were the very first.
Perhaps it is you who are in a difficult position. The term “succession” means the “process of inheriting a title, office, property, etc.” In the case of Catholics, they claim that an apostle is succeeded by a bishop. Those two offices are distinct.Yet, there were people who replaced them in their office and continued the traditions all the way to the council of Rome in 382 AD and beyond. This is what the Catholic Church calls Apostolic succession. Bishops ARE the ones who replace the Apostles.
So in my opinion you put yourself in a difficult position:
The NewTestament was mostly written by Apostles (except for Luke) and was written while the Apostles were alive. It was compiled later.
- if the church became corrupt after the last apostles died then that was WAY before the bible was even written, so using the bible would be corrupt. In this case why use the bible at all?
Jesus Christ - who sent Heavenly Messengers, including Peter, James, John, Moses, Elias, and Elijah to confer Priesthood authority and keys to Joseph Smith
- If you need to be appointed by the Apostles or their successors…then who was Joseph Smith appointed by?
Gates are barriers that prevent an outsider from entering. Hell lost its battle when Christ preached to the wicked dead. The gates of Hell were breached long ago. See 1 Peter 3:19, 20:
- Jesus established His Church and specifically said, “the gates of Hell will not prevail against it” so saying there was a great apostasy or that the Church was lost for several hundred years either makes Jesus a Liar OR makes those who say otherwise false prophets, which Jesus specifically warned about.
I’ll trust in Jesus by receiving the Prophet He call in these Latter-days. John 13:20 Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever receives the one I send receives me, and whoever receives me receives the one who sent me.I’m going to trust Jesus the God Man on this one, not an ordinary man.
You have no clue what I read.Got it. In other words you’ll only use FAIRS search bar and read literature that corroborates with your narrative.
So who decided that the writings were inspired scripture? (Council of Rome in 382 AD by a bunch of Bishops, who were successors to the Apostles)The NewTestament was mostly written by Apostles (except for Luke) and was written while the Apostles were alive. It was compiled later.
Tell me, who else can “verify” this claim beside the account of Joseph Smith himself…pretty convenientJesus Christ - who sent Heavenly Messengers, including Peter, James, John, Moses, Elias, and Elijah to confer Priesthood authority and keys to Joseph Smith
According to your claim, it would appear that the Gates of Hell effectively stopped the spread of Christ’s church for a 1000+ years…Gates are barriers that prevent an outsider from entering. Hell lost its battle when Christ preached to the wicked dead. The gates of Hell were breached long ago. See 1 Peter 3:19, 20:
Again…according to who? Joseph Smith…and who else?I’ll trust in Jesus by receiving the Prophet He call in these Latter-days.