I actually feel like a much worse person than she is, because she wasn’t guilty of what happened to her and I should have shown her from the beginning the importance of saving oneself for marriage. I was far from God at the time and I didn’t act as I had always planned to do my entire life.
I’m trying to do it now. I really am.
I want to do everything right. I want to have a lifetime relationship with her. I want to make her happy.
I’m just terribly worried that I’m might not be good enough to do that, no matter how hard I try. I guess I just think I should have no doubts, if that’s possible.
Ok, I’m starting to get a clearer picture of the situation.
Now it seems you are questioning whether or not you really are the right man for her since you seem to be struggling with her past even though you recognize it should’t bother you like it does.
You’re thinking perhaps there’s a better man than you out there, one more understanding, more compassionate, perhaps.
But when it comes to these things - who are we really meant to be with - you really do need to trust in God and allow Him to lead.
You say you knew from the get-go that you wanted to marry this woman. You’ve known her for 8 years. You still enjoy being in her presence and all.
Consider Satan’s role in messing with God’s plan…know that he’s always at the ready to help us muck things up. So let’s consider your first instinct to be the proper one…that this is the woman you’re meant to marry…would Satan want that to happen? No.
What tools does he have at his disposal? Your cockiness, her prior rape. He deceives you into having relations with her, and then he uses that to get you to appreciate the gift of virginity (now that you’ve given yours away) to gnaw away at you, then he uses her past to further drive a wedge between you and God’s plan for you.
I’m not saying that’s the way it is, but it is a possible scenario.
Regardless, I think you need to go to Eucharistic Adoration and empty yourself of all this doubt, anxiety, worry. On the assumption that the gunk is Satan produced, then by your taking all of it to Jesus you should be free and at peace after your adoration (it may take more than one visit, as we humans have a difficult time truly letting go of
all the junk, tending to hang on to bits and pieces for comfort). Your relationship with your girlfriend should improve, especially as you receive grace through your adoration, confessions, mass attendance, reception of the eucharist. Through adoration you will find your girlfried will finally go to confession herself, after which time she will have received the grace she will need to see her situation clearer (through God’s lenses, not Satan’s).
If all of this isn’t Satan’s doing then you will still receive grace and clarity from your visits at Adoration. Trust in Him to guide you and you will be at peace - whether it’s by staying with your girlfriend or letting her go.
You remain in my prayers.
p.s. I agree with ShirleyTowers…seek counseling for yourself. Even with this spiritual battle you seem to be under, it is evident you are also not emotionally ready to make such life decisions. You appear to have a few issues rooted in your own past which should be faced and resolved before you’ll be in a strong enough position to commit your entire life to another person.