I just wanted to say that I found this lovely testimony of help.
Hi Jezul,
I’m glad that you find my testimony useful.
I am a single woman and I’m trying to listen to God as I accept or decline the courtship of certain men. I am finding when I approach these decisions in a purely emotional manner, I always choose wrongly. But when I approach them in a purely logical fashion, I’m left feeling uneasy and uninspired.
When I wrote to icooker in the previous posts, I based my suggestions to him on what I read from his posts: how icooker is so deeply in love yet angry about the girl’s past. I can see that icooker is serious about her.
There are cases, however, that men are not very serious. Womens’ position-- despite we are now quite equal in many areas-- womens’ position regarding man-woman relationship, is not exactly the same as mens’.
It is very natural for woman to love, we are created to love our family. I find it not so with men. God has to command man to love his wife. Some men do not love, especially if they have taken the wrong path, they get selfish and cold, not capable of love anymore, they literally look for merely “mate” but not love. And women are their victims.
On the other hand, when men really fall in love, they are passionate lovers. If a man truly loves a woman, he will be fully committed to her (literally on his knees), so then God must command woman to submit to him, otherwise, man will not be man anymore
Women are romantic, often get deceived by their own romanticism. I am saying that woman’s romantic feelings are not an indicator of truthfulness of the relationship. Because we tend to romanticize everything, we deceives ourselves with our own romanticism. But man’s romanticism is what we want. Unless the man is romantic about us, our own romanticism means nothing. So to be honest with ourselves, we must have “standard” of how we want men to treat us. Such is the indicator of honesty in the relationship.
In the Bible it is writen that it’s not us who love God but God who loves us first. Our position to God is feminine. Unless God loves us, our love for God means nothing (empty romance of our own imagination). So our relationship with men are similar to such pattern. Unless a man is committed to me (like God who is faithful), my love for him is my own imagination. This man is to be truthful to me first, otherwise the relationship is not.
It’s not easy to be a young woman nowadays, but it’s worthed to wait for Mr right who will love you a life time, than courting too many empty relationships those will bring sorrows and disappointments. Mr right has to be the one with real romance, meaning he is fully “head to toe” for you. Only then that you submit to him, that is after qualifying whether he is the real one (the truthful one), not the deceiving kind (the lie).
The path to good courtship and marriage should be a mixture of romance and rationality.
Yes, marriage is never mere rational. Therefore “good feelings” always play imporant part.
Francisca. It’s also helpful to see the example of someone whose parents had a difficult marriage, but did not go on to have a bad marriage herself. God bless.
Yes. My hubby’s love for me changes me. But most of all Jesus love for me transform me. Although I see bad examples all of my life, I have a Helper who is God my creator and the creator of everything. He saves me therefore I can be good because of My God who loves me first.
God bless.