In many instances we do. If an object apporaches your eye, you blink, quite instinctively. Not all our actions are reasoned, not by a long shot.
My response:
Reflex is not instinct. A reflex is an automatic body function that protects the organism. Eyes blinking at the aproach of an object, skin healing after a tear, knee jerking when tapped with a hammer, etc. etc. are not instincts. Your heart beating, your lungs breathing, your eyes blinking are not instincts. Erect bi-pedal non-homo sapiens mammals (gorillas), mating as they do, is instinctual, like birds flying south for the winter, fish returning to the same stream to spawn, etc. etc are instincts. I re-iterate, man does not possess instinct. (Granted many claim we do, but usually it is in defense of actions that are less than exemplary in human behavior)
Your quote:
That is a bit farfetched, in my opinion.
My response:
You know, you may just be right. After all, in a society that beatifies pornography, cohabitation, abortion, adultery, fornication, and just about every other pus oozing open moral sore that can be sold under the freedom of ‘choice’, or the *right *to privacy, the idea that choosing to see one’s sexual expression as a statement of a higher and more noble value has to be foolish. Imagine, a man or woman, understanding that he/she is created in the image of a majestic, powerful, intelligent, creative, dignified, just, and loving God, choosing to see in their sexuality an expression of that creativity, dignity, and love. What a couple of fools! Don’t they know the sex is the activity of those whose sole objective is to get through the night with anyone who matches the emptiness of his/her heart and soul. That sex is an act of meaningless compunction, devoid of any higher value, and that the activity of the body is in no way connected to the working of the mind, the heart, and the soul. Then again, that’s just my opinion
Your quote:
Hopefully, in most cases it is not.
My response: (one of these days I’ll figure out these stupid quote boxes)
No, in most cases for people who believe in the dignity of their creation as children of God, and followers of a Christian ethic, sexual expression is just that, an act of dignity, and love. Of course, atheists who can’t cotton to that idea, believe that man climbed out of some primordial swamp. I can understand your statement and I admit it has a rational basis. After all, if you look around at society and the moral filth that passes for values these day, I have to admit, it seems as if a great part of society is slithering back into the ooze.
Your quote
Ahh, the good old “free will” raises its ugly head again. Please read my post above, I do not want to reiterate the same reasoning.