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If anyone is interested I have a three part (3 day) Team training Power Point presentation on the 1.) Rite, 2.) The Process, 3.)The Implementation. As well as a Team Formation one and a Sponsor formation one. I will send to anyone interested. Request via Email.
Br. Rich, I’m interested in your team training presentation. I’m getting ready to stand up an RCIA Team at our parish. Please contact me at


If anyone is interested I have a three part (3 day) Team training Power Point presentation on the 1.) Rite, 2.) The Process, 3.)The Implementation. As well as a Team Formation one and a Sponsor formation one. I will send to anyone interested. Request via Email.
Hello, I would like to get your 3 part training. power point presentation. My e-mail is
my name gelina. Thank you
I’m just starting a rcia in eng and spanish… so help…
I have never did one before… dre…

How did your church present the Church’s teaching on artificial contraception to inquirers? Did the catechists just tell the inquirers that artificial contraception is a mortal sin and leave it at that?

Did you ever get exposed to the Pope’s theology of the body?
None of the sexual/moral teachings were ever mentioned in my RCIA class (yr.2000), however I listened constantly to CA Radio and read the CCC on my own (I casually mentioned one day to one of the RCIA team that I was reading the CCC and the response was horror). I second the poster that suggested that CA develop an RCIA program!. The program that Br. Rich speaks about sounds great, however if sponsors that know what is Church Teaching is required, well…:confused:
If anyone is interested I have a three part (3 day) Team training Power Point presentation on the 1.) Rite, 2.) The Process, 3.)The Implementation. As well as a Team Formation one and a Sponsor formation one. I will send to anyone interested. Request via Email.
Hello, I would like to get your 3 part training. power point presentation. My e-mail is I am in St
Edward’s Parish in New Orleans. Thanks.
If anyone is interested I have a three part (3 day) Team training Power Point presentation on the 1.) Rite, 2.) The Process, 3.)The Implementation. As well as a Team Formation one and a Sponsor formation one. I will send to anyone interested. Request via Email.
Hello Br. Rich,

Please send your RCIA presentation.

Thank you for all your help.

God bless.
Can anyone out there recommend a good - and orthodox - RCIA program? We are seeking one to replace the one our parish has been using - which includes prayers to father-mother God etc. A lot of the theology is watered down.
Call Theresa Diaz at Saint Mary’s in League City, which is not too far from Santa Fe. Email her at, or call the parish at 281-332-3031 and leave her a message.

I thank God often for Theresa. She welcomed me. She never made it seem as if I had to pass some kind of test to be in our program. Often I read here about people that can’t get call backs from their parish, or get a call back that says something like “If you don’t think the Catholic Church is the One True Church then you probably shouldn’t come”.

You will not get any of that here. We meet people where they are, in all our faults and failings and doubts.

We are absolutely BLESSED with a solid, rigorous program. Theresa has a theology degree, loves her church and our Pope, and models our program directly on the Holy Father’s instructions. We often have lectures from seminary instructors.

Its a wonderful program and I feel as if God led me here. I’m serious, you are in the right place, and the opportunity is right before you to go to a truly solid RCIA program.

If you’d like, private message me and I will be happy to accompany you to our meeting next Tuesday night at 7pm, introduce you around and after you experience that, you’ll know you are in the right place.

Next Tuesday’s meeting is on Morality and the Ten Commandments and we have a guest lecturer from the seminary.

Please email me at
If anyone is interested I have a three part (3 day) Team training Power Point presentation on the 1.) Rite, 2.) The Process, 3.)The Implementation. As well as a Team Formation one and a Sponsor formation one. I will send to anyone interested. Request via Email.
Br. Rich SFO:
If anyone is interested I have a three part (3 day) Team training Power Point presentation on the 1.) Rite, 2.) The Process, 3.)The Implementation. As well as a Team Formation one and a Sponsor formation one. I will send to anyone interested. Request via Email.
I too am interested in all these along with the Team formation and sponsor formation. Please send to Thanks
How do you find sponsors that are willing to get involved at that level?

You look for people who would make good Sponsors and talk to them personally. You then have to give them something that will benefit their own spiritual growth.

What is additional material that is being read during the week by your catechumens? Do you have a set of books that you are using in addition to the Catechism?

Sometimes it is printed material that has been purchased. Things like Pillar of Fire/ Pillar of Turth a little Catholic prayers and devotions book, material from the Knights of Columbus, etc. The other handouts I write myself.

I use Power Point (they average 60 to 80-90 slides)and have 20 or so topics prepared.

80-90 powerpoint slides used in 90 minutes of catechetical instruction?

There are many that are shorter in the 40 or so range, there is only two or three that approach 90. The one on “Divine Revelation” and the one on the “The Sacrament of The Eucharist”

Whew! How many CD’s would you have to burn to hold your Power Point presentations on all 20 topics?

They are really simple PP’s . They all fit on a single CD.

Would you consider selling copies of your Power Point presentations?

No, I give them away.
Br. Rich,
I am also interested in the above CD with the Power Point presentations…all well as the team / sponsor formations. Please contact me at and let me know if this is possible.

If anyone is interested I have a three part (3 day) Team training Power Point presentation on the 1.) Rite, 2.) The Process, 3.)The Implementation. As well as a Team Formation one and a Sponsor formation one. I will send to anyone interested. Request via Email.
Br. Rich made this offer more than five years ago and he’s still getting requests for it. 😉
How do you find sponsors that are willing to get involved at that level?

You look for people who would make good Sponsors and talk to them personally. You then have to give them something that will benefit their own spiritual growth.

What is additional material that is being read during the week by your catechumens? Do you have a set of books that you are using in addition to the Catechism?

Sometimes it is printed material that has been purchased. Things like Pillar of Fire/ Pillar of Turth a little Catholic prayers and devotions book, material from the Knights of Columbus, etc. The other handouts I write myself.

I use Power Point (they average 60 to 80-90 slides)and have 20 or so topics prepared.

80-90 powerpoint slides used in 90 minutes of catechetical instruction?

There are many that are shorter in the 40 or so range, there is only two or three that approach 90. The one on “Divine Revelation” and the one on the “The Sacrament of The Eucharist”

Whew! How many CD’s would you have to burn to hold your Power Point presentations on all 20 topics?

They are really simple PP’s . They all fit on a single CD.

Would you consider selling copies of your Power Point presentations?

No, I give them away.
Br. Rich,

I am also interested in the above CD with the Power Point presentations…all well as the team / sponsor formations. Please contact me at and let me know if this is possible.

I am asking because I am currently part of an RCIA team at my parish and we recently lost our pastoral associate who effectively ran the program. She is not being replaced and our pastor says it is up to the team (4 parishioners) to decide how the program will run and there really aren’t any specific requirements for running the program. We have a program to follow this year which was set up by the pastoral associate before she left, but we are feeling rather lost as to how to set up for next year. Any materials you can send me to help out would be very much appreciated. Thank you!

Mary Komo
If anyone is interested I have a three part (3 day) Team training Power Point presentation on the 1.) Rite, 2.) The Process, 3.)The Implementation. As well as a Team Formation one and a Sponsor formation one. I will send to anyone interested. Request via Email.
Hi Brother Rich sfo,

I would be grateful to receive the Team Training PowerPoint and also Team Formation and Sponsor formation ones. I am also not happy with the “programme” used in our parish and would like to upgrade. We need all the help we can get. Pax et Bonum

Sandie T sfo:angel1:
Hi Brother Rich sfo,

I would be grateful to receive the Team Training PowerPoint and also Team Formation and Sponsor formation ones. I am also not happy with the “programme” used in our parish and would like to upgrade. We need all the help we can get. Pax et Bonum

Sandie T sfo:angel1:
Send me an Email
Can anyone out there recommend a good - and orthodox - RCIA program? We are seeking one to replace the one our parish has been using - which includes prayers to father-mother God etc. A lot of the theology is watered down.
Remeber RCIA is not a program,but a process. My parish uses some resources from Liguori Press called Journey of Faith. Breaks it down into the 4 phases: inquiry,pre-catechumen,etc,etc.

Of course you want to have the RCIA Ritual Guideline Book as well.
Can anyone out there recommend a good - and orthodox - RCIA program? We are seeking one to replace the one our parish has been using - which includes prayers to father-mother God etc. A lot of the theology is watered down.
I like the Ligouri pamphlet series.

They also have books for the year-round style of RCIA, and these are also very good. 🙂

Also be sure that all of your participants have access to a copy of the Catechism, and a copy of “This is the Faith,” by Canon Francis Ripley. Both should be used as source material for lectures, with required readings for homework, to be discussed in the discussion time.

All of your Catechists should have access to a copy of the Rite itself, and be clear on what is expected for each type of participant - remember, you have three types: Catechumens (unbaptized), Candidates (baptized in a non-Catholic church) and Uncatechized Catholics - they are not to be lumped all together, and each has specific requirements for that group - do not assume that just because they are not a Catechumen and not required to do what Catechumens do, that they have no requirements at all. This means, read the whole Rite, and make sure that each leader has thoroughly read the section pertaining to their group - and that your priest is also in communication with you and them, to make the appropriate arrangements for each stage of the process.

Good luck with your program! 🙂
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