The apostolic magisterial use is truth.human interpretations of Genesis 1 are not guaranteed to be true. There are different human interpretations around, and at most one of them can be true.
We know this - the bible can only be authoritatively opened by living Magisterial explanation; it is not yours to interpret, but only can be explained by its authorzer or those sent by its authorizer (Magisterium). Any other is opinion that requires recognition or renunciation by one who knows the truth.
The world, all creation, is also available for many to offer studied opinion and speculation to its quidity. But the truth of it can only be declared by its creator or his authorized representative.
Science’s definition cannot be the final or real definition if it contradicts the creator’s knowing of his creation. Impossible.
Science has not gone far enough until it affirms (probably in surprise) that you and I are literally relatives, literally having the same ancestor (one man known elsewhere to be named Adam) as if we were taken from his rib without genetic (name removed by moderator)ut from a different source.
Note: if you had understood Isaiah you would seek to find the Lord and to understand from the Catholics as did the Ethiopian Eunuch turn to Philip and let Philip explain; then you would exclaim that the trees will clap their hands in truth and you would ask to be granted participation in this Church.
The world is not an authority, nor is the bible - both are things having a “whatness”, a quidity.The world is therefore as much from God as Genesis is,
Both require an explanation from their creator to verify we understand - but we do know they cannot contradict, and Catholics already have authority opening the Scriptures to them, so we can assert when science has not finished looking.
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