Reconciling Humani Generis with the human genetic data showing that there never were just two first parents

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No, buffalo. The retrodiction was not for the first tetrapod, but an early tetrapod in that rock formation. Tiktaalik is an early tetrapod, as successfully retrodicted.

Your YEC/ID sources are misinforming you.
Sure, always believe the secular materialist site. Maybe they are the one’s lieing. The ID couldn’t even get one right by accident. ☹️ Your a priori bias is showing.
No, buffalo. The retrodiction was not for the first tetrapod, but an early tetrapod in that rock formation. Tiktaalik is an early tetrapod, as successfully retrodicted.

Your YEC/ID sources are misinforming you.
The ID couldn’t even get one right by acident.
Now and then you come up with something that’s actually true. Even if it was by accident…
There does seem to be a reticence to use the term ‘God’ in this discussion.
Science can tell us design, but not who he might be. The philosophers tackle that one.
He? Who said it was a he? Why aren’t you using it or they or she?

And if you are going to use that pronoun, could you please capitalise it.
Back to the OP…the Sunday Mass readings for March 1 affirm one Adam and one Messiah (the new Adam):

Romans 5:15–21 (NABRE): But the gift is not like the transgression. For if by that one person’s transgression the many died, how much more did the grace of God and the gracious gift of the one person Jesus Christ overflow for the many. 16 And the gift is not like the result of the one person’s sinning. For after one sin there was the judgment that brought condemnation; but the gift, after many transgressions, brought acquittal. 17 For if, by the transgression of one person, death came to reign through that one, how much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of justification come to reign in life through the one person Jesus Christ. 18 In conclusion, just as through one transgression condemnation came upon all, so through one righteous act acquittal and life came to all. 19 For just as through the disobedience of one person the many were made sinners, so through the obedience of one the many will be made righteous. 20 The law entered in so that transgression might increase but, where sin increased, grace overflowed all the more, 21 so that, as sin reigned in death, grace also might reign through justification for eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Amd the firsy reading was about the subjects of this thread - Adam and Eve. “The LORD God formed man out of the clay of the ground
and blew into his nostrils the breath of life,
and so man became a living being.”
It should be clear by now that the OP about human genetic data and HG is reconcilable.
I’m aware of all that. So what? It means that God cannot be allowed back in the minds of the people or the minds of scientists. Before Darwin’s book, great scientists praised God. After? This kind of one-sided discussion. Science is over here and God is over there. That means there is zero room for God in His Creation. To prevent you from claiming that I have some personal bias, read this and tell me what you think: New York Times, Finding Design in Nature by Cardinal Christoph Schönborn.

I’m not allowed to post links.
He? Who said it was a he? Why aren’t you using it or they or she?

And if you are going to use that pronoun, could you please capitalise it.
English is an inclusive language,
I think you let the cat out of the bag. ‘He’ indeed. Even the DI doesn’t use that term. Although they do slip up now and then and use a singular ‘designer’. I wonder who they are thinking about…

If English is inclusive then how about using ‘she’ so we don’t exclude the sisterhood. Let’s not add sexism to your fundamentalism.
If English is inclusive then how about using ‘she’ so we don’t exclude the sisterhood. Let’s not add sexism to your fundamentalism.
That is where your mistake is. He in the English language includes the feminine. Is English your first language? Mankind includes all humans, male and female.
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Do you agree with the goal of the Wedge Document? Are you aware that what it is calling for is the undermining of our constitutional democracy?

Thanks, but no thanks. I never ever ever have wanted to live in a theocracy. That is essentially what they are aiming for. I have always been aware that such a situation could be detrimental to me as a Catholic in what is traditionally a majority protestant country. I experienced enough anti-Catholicism from fundamentalist Christians when I was growing up, and I was brought up with the histrorical knowledge of happened to Catholics during the time when my paternal great-grandparents came from Ireland and Germany.

I know that is besides the point of my OP, but I want to make sure that you are aware of what the goal of the Wedge Document is, since you dismissed it so lightly.

And to bring this back to the topic, yes, undermining science education in the schools was one way that the authors planned to spread their value system. There is a mistaken beleif, shared and expressed by many on this thread, that understanding our natural origins is somehow inimical to Christian values. It is not, and thankfully the Catholic Church is known for not being fundmentalist about origins.

The Dover trial exposed that ID was an attempt to get around Edwards v. Augillard, which said that teaching creationism in public schools was a violation of the Establishment Clause. I am linking to a talk by Ken Miller from not long after Dover, and everything they talk about is still relevant today. He was the expert witness explaining why ID is not good science, and he IS A CATHOLIC. So was Behe, so I guess you could say, that trial was an in house show down.

If English is inclusive then how about using ‘she’ so we don’t exclude the sisterhood. Let’s not add sexism to your fundamentalism.
That is where your mistake is, He in the English language includes the feminine?
It do? What rules of grammar are you following? In languages like Spanish a term like ‘hermanos’ can mean brothers or brothers and sisters. But English is quite specific in the use of third person pronouns. ‘He’ refers to a single male.

I can’t believe I’m explaining this.
One more insult and you get reported. Please stop.
To whom do you reference, gama? If someone has inadvertently been insulting it would help pointing out the person involved and the alleged offence.
Are you aware that what it is calling for is the undermining of our constitutional democracy?
Can we agree only empirical science in the public school science class? I submit a mandatory philosophy class where ID and Evo can be freely taught?
Are you aware that what it is calling for is the undermining of our constitutional democracy?
Can we agree only empirical science in the public school science class? I submit a mandatory philosophy class where ID and Evo can be freely taught?
That would be ID with a ‘He’ I guess. And no need for a capital E for evolution either.
Are you aware that what it is calling for is the undermining of our constitutional democracy?
Can we agree only empirical science in the public school science class? I submit a mandatory philosophy class where ID and Evo can be freely taught?
Is this a Constitutional question? The answer is probably no. The only way the class you are proposing can happen is if you teach every religious philosophy equally without preference.

Evolution, strictly speaking, is not philosophy. That is something ID proponents constantly get wrong.
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I also recommend this video from Miller. Science is not a threat to God belief.

Evolution, strictly speaking, is not philosophy. That is something ID proponents constantly get wrong.
No, it is not empirical science.

The Magician’s Twin - CS Lewis​

A powerful must see video:

The Magician’s Twin: C.S. Lewis and the Case against Scientism

The Similarity Between Science and Magic

  1. Science as religion
  2. Science as credulity
  3. Science as power
Evolution is an alternative religion

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