Record daily high for coronavirus

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I’m glad that death rates for the virus in general have not climb significantly of late. Fingers crossed that remains the same. We are heading into the flu and cold season, which might result eventually in high fatalities rates for the virus. It will for the result flu and colds at least.

I’ve begun using my UV sunlamp a couple times a week. Some small studies have found that helpful at helping prevent cold and flu viruses. It has worked well for me for over 10 years now. I’m also drinking a glass of wine a day. A couple studies found that moderate alcohol drinking resulted in 10 times fewer cold and flu symptoms compared to teetotalers.

Glad to read a mention this week that Fauci mentioned he believed the pandemic is close to being over. A vaccine should be available by the end of the year. That hopefully will help the situation we find our selves in.

Hope to that Democrat states don’t begin locking their economies down in a harsh way once again. From what I’ve been reading the last few days it does seem that some state government officials are leaning that way though. Wide spread lockdowns come with negative effects themselves in particular for the poor. As the WHO said, lockdowns are causing the poor to become poorer.
Canvas . . .
In North dakota, hospital staff positive for COVID are still working!
Please link this information.
Their hospitals are at capacity.
Why? A lot of cancer and other patients have postponed care because of Corona panic. Sooner or later bad health catches up with people.
Doctors without Borders are deploying to the US because this is now an international humanitarian crisis!
You realize you can’t just “deploy” to America and practice medicine right?

Do you have a link for this ? Because it seems this is fake and I want to see what they are telling you Canvas.
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Please link this information.
You realize you can’t just “deploy” to America and practice medicine right?

Do you have a link for this ? Because it seems this is fake and I want to see what they are telling you Canvas.
Actually, I was misinformed. It was something that was reported by CNN which has been retracted:

CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story incorrectly implied Doctors Without Borders is currently working in the United States to help fight Covid-19. The aid group said it worked in key sites in the US between April and October and has since turned over its programs to local health authorities and organizations.
The one with the North Dakota nurses is hella scary.

My job tests us weekly to monthly, and we are immediately taken off the schedule if we test positive.
Yes, a surge in infections will result in a surge in deaths. Just because these graphs and charts don’t show a surge in deaths yet doesn’t mean anything.

Reality will smack us in the face soon.
In North dakota, hospital staff positive for COVID are still working! Their hospitals are at capacity. But their governor won’t mandate masks or take aggressive measures.

Doctors without Borders are deploying to the US because this is now an international humanitarian crisis! Welcome to the USA, the world’s richest third world country.
I urge you to look at facts before making wild statements.

ND has plenty of beds, but is short of ICU beds. I expect they will readily adapt just as did NY during their initial crisis. Below is a great link to check hospital usage/capacity.

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