The irony is that the very day I shared this story, my 8-year-old daughter and a group of her friends were signed up to ring bells for the SA in front of our local Wal-Mart. We went last night, sang carols, and had many people stop to donate. I don’t regret it. There is a woman in a wheelchair (she’s a double amputee) who mans the kettle whenever there isn’t someone else signed up to do so. She’s there for hours upon hours every day, often in frigid temperatures. Knowing that she herself benefits from the SA got me past any initial hesitancy I experienced. I don’t know if we’ll support the red kettles in the future but I’m at peace with our actions this year.I always drop some money in the kettles and have even worked them once. The money is used well here. There position statement on abortion is sound, but that has little to do with the money they collect through the kettle drive. I have had at least one case of questionable accusations from the American Life League. So while I appreciate the desire to keep people informed, I don’t believe every rumor I hear on the internet. I know that the Salvation Army helps the need to the tune of 82% of all funds, which makes them a good social justice investment, in my opinion.