And if I were your superior, I would love to hear your thoughts on this – and would probably encourage you to wear white.Should I Be Wearing*White?
Having lived at our provincial house for a time (where one of our Sisters wore white), and being familiar with our directives, I knew that there was an option for our Sisters to wear all white rather than black and white as I am accustomed to now.
However, the reality of this being done never hit me before like it did this past week.
I have been going through old photo albums and scanning in pictures to make a video for our 65th anniversary celebration at St. Anne’s.
One of my *co-workers noticed, in the old pictures, that some Sisters were wearing black and others white. *She asked me why that was. *I told her that Sisters who engaged in certain works may wear white.
I wasn’t sure which apostolates traditionally called for this apparel, and discussed it with Sr. Elaine, who was around “back in the day.” *I was informed that those Sisters in dietary even wore white, along with the nurses and care aides.
I find this history so interesting. *This photo project, although it is a lot of work, is fascinating and informative as well.
This discussion made me think to myself:*Should I be wearing white? *
I do a fair amount of aide duties and dietary-related work. *(Maybe, I should have hung on to my white veil from novitiate!)
If I were living back in the early days of St. Anne’s, would I be one of the “white” Sisters?
God bless you, Sister! I pray these days are filled with abundant grace and blessings as well as very happy memories. * Ad multos annos!*Nine years ago today, on the Feast of St. Clare, I professed my first vows in Hankinson at our Provincial House!
What a special day!
St. Clare, in fact, has been special to me for some time. Not only was I received as a novice Read more
First, Sister, please do not choose option A. That would be an awful loss if you stopped posting.Here’s the latest post::*ourfranciscanfiat.wordpress.com/2017/08/04/to-make-our-people-happy/
Also, might I ask you, in regard to sharing posts from Our Franciscan Fiat*would you prefer that:
a). I don’t post here at all
b). I simply post the link
c). *I post the first paragraph or so with a link to read more
d). I post the entire article
Thank you.