Reflections from a Franciscan Sister

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“It’s Already Tomorrow in Australia”

JUNE 27, 2017/

I’m about to close off the night here at the front desk, and what an evening it’s been!!!

It started with a hospital visit, from which we arrived home late. Then, when we were just finishing supper, I was paged and asked to help our aide upstairs.

Without violating HIPAA regulations, let’s just say there was a mess to clean up. Sr. Elaine said she’d start evening Office, which we pray together regularly after supper. As I hurried away, I said “Maybe, you’d better finish it, too.” I was right; I had to pray privately this evening once I got to the front desk for my shift, a couple of minutes late.

It was good to be able to sit down and have that chaos behind me; but more awaited. I was working on a project the computer, but had also been noticing that it was somewhat slow. Also, the browser window was not displaying properly.

I tried various things, including restarted the computer, and ended up trying to “de-clutter.” I thought I’d uninstall some unneeded software that may have been accidentally downloaded over the years. Well, in my tired haste, I had accidentally started to uninstall our MS Office software – not good!

I ended up having to force the computer off to terminate the de-installation process!

I hoped no permanent damage was done and finally got back to my project.

I am very grateful for the Holy Spirit’s guidance lately.

It seems that I start out on these projects, overwhelmed and lacking clarity. I pray for guidance and things seem to come around. (Yes, I did remember to say “thank you.”)

The above-mentioned project involves some email correspondence on occasion, so I checked gmail again. However, the “new message” was not the one I was waiting for. Instead, it came all the way from Australia!

We get pre-written petitions for the “Universal Prayer” at Mass from a priest “down under” who writes and sends them out to various parishes. This email was the coming week’s Mass petitions.

(I have to “doctor them up” a bit and modify them for our audience. We don’t typically pray for “those in leadership among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.”

Anyway, this email from the other side of the world reminded me of a little quote Sr. Elaine has used jokingly on occasion: “Don’t worry about the world coming to an end today. It is already tomorrow in Australia.”

Even when things go topsy-turvy for me, and I’m afraid I’m going to crash the computer or get sick from cleaning an unsavory mess, I don’t need to worry. The same One who made all seven continents (including Australia) has a handle on the craziness in my life as well. 🙂
Thank You for Coming “Under my Roof.”
003.JPGThis morning, we heard the Gospel of the centurion (Roman soldier in charge of 100 men) who was commended for his faith.

He had approached Jesus, seeking healing for a sick servant. When Jesus offered to come and cure him, the centurion stopped Him, proclaiming his unworthiness and voicing his trust in the power of Jesus’ mere word.

It is from this encounter that we get the text we use before communion: “Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.”

At Communion this morning, after hearing this Gospel, a spontaneous prayer came to my heart: “Lord, thank you for coming under my roof.”

Like the centurion, I am not worthy of the honor of His presence, His visit. However, unlike him, I won’t discourage Jesus from coming. I need His presence!

The words of the communion antiphon today were a consolation, reminding me that I have this grace (His presence): “I am with you always.”
Christmas in July
by Our Franciscan Fiat

One recent morning, I put a red chalice veil on over the pall and finished a couple of other sacristy duties before grabbing breakfast and heading to the front desk. It matched nicely with the lacy tabernacle veil some feet away.

I like it when things match. Call me silly, but when the visiting priest walks out into the sanctuary with corresponding vestments, it “does my heart good.”

But, alas, this was not to be the case on this occasion. Father came out in green!

Oh, my…we had Christmas in July! His green contrasted noticeably with the red!

This has happened before when my guess at the Mass of choice differed from the Mass that was actually chosen. (When there are optional memorials for a day, I have to make an educated guess" as to what Mass to set up for, marking the missal and putting on altar cloths accordingly.)

It’s only too bad that Sr. Elaine (organist that day) didn’t play “Joy to the World” as a postlude or recessional.

I just hope that “every heart” in our congregation still lovingly “prepare Him room” every time we gather, despite distracting discrepancies.
Should I Be Wearing*White?


Having lived at our provincial house for a time (where one of our Sisters wore white), and being familiar with our directives, I knew that there was an option for our Sisters to wear all white rather than black and white as I am accustomed to now.

However, the reality of this being done never hit me before like it did this past week.

I have been going through old photo albums and scanning in pictures to make a video for our 65th anniversary celebration at St. Anne’s.

One of my *co-workers noticed, in the old pictures, that some Sisters were wearing black and others white. *She asked me why that was. *I told her that Sisters who engaged in certain works may wear white.

I wasn’t sure which apostolates traditionally called for this apparel, and discussed it with Sr. Elaine, who was around “back in the day.” *I was informed that those Sisters in dietary even wore white, along with the nurses and care aides.

I find this history so interesting. *This photo project, although it is a lot of work, is fascinating and informative as well.

This discussion made me think to myself:*Should I be wearing white? *

I do a fair amount of aide duties and dietary-related work. *(Maybe, I should have hung on to my white veil from novitiate!)

If I were living back in the early days of St. Anne’s, would I be one of the “white” Sisters?
Should I Be Wearing*White?


Having lived at our provincial house for a time (where one of our Sisters wore white), and being familiar with our directives, I knew that there was an option for our Sisters to wear all white rather than black and white as I am accustomed to now.

However, the reality of this being done never hit me before like it did this past week.

I have been going through old photo albums and scanning in pictures to make a video for our 65th anniversary celebration at St. Anne’s.

One of my *co-workers noticed, in the old pictures, that some Sisters were wearing black and others white. *She asked me why that was. *I told her that Sisters who engaged in certain works may wear white.

I wasn’t sure which apostolates traditionally called for this apparel, and discussed it with Sr. Elaine, who was around “back in the day.” *I was informed that those Sisters in dietary even wore white, along with the nurses and care aides.

I find this history so interesting. *This photo project, although it is a lot of work, is fascinating and informative as well.

This discussion made me think to myself:*Should I be wearing white? *

I do a fair amount of aide duties and dietary-related work. *(Maybe, I should have hung on to my white veil from novitiate!)

If I were living back in the early days of St. Anne’s, would I be one of the “white” Sisters?
And if I were your superior, I would love to hear your thoughts on this – and would probably encourage you to wear white.
“Let My People Go!”
Nine hours later, the melody is still coming back to haunt me!

This “Negro Spiritual,” recommended to me by a friend for the occasion, was perfect to accent the reading and get people more engaged in this morning’s weekly Bible study which I lead for our residents.

It was suggested because we’re studying Moses and the Exodus. Instead of just reading and discussing the scriptures (valuable as that is), I like to use music and/or an activity to enhance these gatherings. Read more…

It wasn’t what you would call a typical Bible Study/Faith Sharing Group this morning!

At one point, a person could walk into the room and hear some rather unconventional lyrics being sung to the old melody of “Old McDonald Had a Farm.” *That poor elderly agriculturalist would turn over in his grave if he heard our version, invented to correlate with today’s scripture study on the Ten Plagues. *Read more
Nine years ago today, on the Feast of St. Clare, I professed my first vows in Hankinson at our Provincial House!

What a special day!

St. Clare, in fact, has been special to me for some time. Not only was I received as a novice Read more
Nine years ago today, on the Feast of St. Clare, I professed my first vows in Hankinson at our Provincial House!

What a special day!

St. Clare, in fact, has been special to me for some time. Not only was I received as a novice Read more
God bless you, Sister! I pray these days are filled with abundant grace and blessings as well as very happy memories. * Ad multos annos!*
Here’s the latest post::*

Also, might I ask you, in regard to sharing posts from Our Franciscan Fiat*would you prefer that:

a). I don’t post here at all

b). I simply post the link

c). *I post the first paragraph or so with a link to read more

d). I post the entire article

Thank you.
First, Sister, please do not choose option A. That would be an awful loss if you stopped posting.

I would suggest option C…it allows the person to see something of what the topic is – which is inviting – and it also allows the more technologically unsophisticated of us to see that it is a link that is really taking us to you and what you want to say and that it is something we can recognise as not having already read…as opposed to a link that is unknown and unknowable.

Personally, I always have a real reservation about clicking on a link that is just sitting there by itself and with no commentary about where it is going to take me or what I will find when it takes me there. Perhaps, though, that is just me and age with the trepidations that age brings.
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