Two Simple Words
by Our Franciscan Fiat
thankyouLast evening, I worked our reception desk at St. Anne’s until ten. About a quarter-to, one of the night aides came in, fifteen minutes early for his shift.
I hadn’t had much (if any) interaction with him since this past weekend. He had been sick and unable to come to work. No one else was available so I had worked for him Saturday night.
As is customary, I gave a little report of pertinent information for the next shift. In the course of our little conversation, he said “Thank you for working for me the other night.”
Simple as it may be, this really meant a lot to me. It was nice to have this acknowledgement.
I am happy to fill in where needed, but I appreciated his kind expression of gratitude.
I reflected a bit upon this; how important gratitude is, how much these two simple words, thank you, can mean. They are so important.
I think about the preface dialog before the Eucharistic prayer at Mass: “Let us give thanks to the Lord, our God…It is right and just”
How much God has done for us; (Immeasurably more than me working one trivial little night shift)! It is only right, and just, that we should say our thank you to Him.
I think of all the people (including myself) who neglect to say thank you to God, to express our gratitude for all His wonderful gifts.
The way my co-worker’s words so touched my heart last night served as a reminder to me of how I should express my gratitude to God each day.
It is wonderful that we have the opportunity for daily Mass, the Eucharist, which is the great “thanksgiving.”
Sr. Christina M. Neumann, OSF