You want to talk about unhealthy sex practices? I don’t. Suffice to say that the main purpose of sexuality is procreation. Male and female anatomies were fashioned to compliment one another. Any other misuse is subject to disease. (I prefer not to get into these but consider that the very fact that people avoid the seamier or ickier side is similar to smoking when a whole culture was built around avoiding the lung cancer, shortened life span that are actually worse among the so-called gay community.)I didn’t bring up unhealthy sexual practices. You did. In the context of marriage, which is what the thread is about. If you think that gay people shouldn’t be married because you believe they indulge in unhealthy sexual practices, does that mean that you think anyone at all should be banned from marriage if they do the same? If not, then one might ask why not. If so, then one might ask how you find out that a couple is likely to have unhealthy sex.These are quite reasonable questions.
The presumption when signing the marriage document one could say that its consummation would involve these very systems. No justice of the peace, priest, minister, rabbi etc. in their right minds would make as a condition that there should be healthy as opposed to unhealthy relations. Who would want to know anyway? However, please do remember that sodomy has been forbidden for both sexes and as a matter of fact, this is a major way AIDS is spread among heterosexual couples.
But what I really want to point out is the fallacy of assuming that the institution of marriage is based on sex and love. Throughout all cultures it has existed mainly to formalize the family unit that fits into the web of interlocking relationships. Same sex marriage and especially with bringing up children breaks society into glass shards that cannot be mended again.