Regret becoming a Catholic?

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But yeah, when you live a Catholic life…you do lose good friends because they have a set of assumptions about your faith and they can’t look past it. Dating as a Catholic also means you can’t just happily date a random guy at the store because chances are, he’s against religion (young + in a minority religion isn’t a good mix). You’re constantly branded as a bigot because you’re conservative (at least in social values), and job wise it can be tough. I’m in psychology, and there’s a fear amongst us that we would be compelled to go along with certain ideologies. People I know in medicine are also struggling with issues regarding birth control, sex changes and abortion.

Re: dating and finding a Catholic​

It’s just a suggestion. In my circle of friends, I’ve heard about success stories with people who use/used Catholic match. It puts the religion issue 1st with the one you’re talking to, therefore it’s OK to investigate the other’s faith commitment. The big issue gets out of the way up front…before getting to the rest …

Re: ideologies, and rules to follow​

Jesus gave multiple (qualified statements). AS IN, Do this or else, kinda statements.

2 Examples
  1. faithfully going to mass on Sunday is not a suggestion but a command in scripture HERE Note the consequences mentioned if one deliberately blows off mass on Sunday
  2. Is receiving the Eucharist just a suggestion or a command? HERE
As you know, Many more examples could be used, AND no Protestant regardless of stripe can meet either of those commands as a Protestant
As a woman particularly, while I accept Church teachings, the idea of not using birth control, or artificial ways to get children (eg ivf), hysterectomies, Church’s teachings on marriage and a woman’s place etc are pretty tough to follow and justify at times, and it’s easy to feel less and less after a while. As a friend, it’s difficult to accept teachings on homosexuality because i know what a huge cross that must be for my friends.
Re: Birth control, etc, I’m sure you’ve seen the answer(s). That condemnation goes from the OT -------> NT
Same response for teachings on homosexuality and acting out on it
In short, life as a Catholic is counter cultural and hence isolating. Counter cultural as our values greatly differs from our culture now.
You describe Last Sunday’s Gospel.HERE Jesus established one Church and only ONE Church. Think of how many divided from His body the Church or won’t even enter it.
It’s tiring. Right now, there’s someone asking if it’s wrong to buy things on Sunday. And there are people saying that it is!
I’ve not seen any restrictions
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My family is Irish and brought up Catholic .

I can tell you 100% right now, When the Lord came he , he came to save Israel.

But he took pity on the Gentile, NO prophet was other than Jewish.

So the door is open to all and ANYONE who says different does NOT speak through love but their own pride.
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No, but sometimes I wondered why I bothered coming back, seeing it’s done very little to remedy a lot of things in my life. But I guess as the old saying goes, “You’re damned if you do, and you’re damned if you don’t”.
I’ve heard about success stories with people who use/used Catholic match. It puts the religion issue 1st with the one you’re talking to, therefore it’s OK to investigate the other’s faith commitment. The big issue gets out of the way up front…before getting to the rest …
I’m still 21, so the idea of going to a website seems pretty intense, lol!
Jesus gave multiple (qualified statements). AS IN, Do this or else, kinda statements
Yup, this is my point.
Re: Birth control, etc, I’m sure you’ve seen the answer(s). That condemnation goes from the OT -------> NT
Same response for teachings on homosexuality and acting out on it
Yes, I know the teachings.
I’ve not seen any restrictions
I’m referring to people here claiming there are.
I’ve heard about success stories with people who use/used Catholic match. It puts the religion issue 1st with the one you’re talking to, therefore it’s OK to investigate the other’s faith commitment. The big issue gets out of the way up front…before getting to the rest …
I’m still 21, so the idea of going to a website seems pretty intense, lol!
No worries, all age groups are there.
Jesus gave multiple (qualified statements). AS IN, Do this or else, kinda statements
Yup, this is my point.
Re: Birth control, etc, I’m sure you’ve seen the answer(s). That condemnation goes from the OT -------> NT
Same response for teachings on homosexuality and acting out on it
Yes, I know the teachings.
I’ve not seen any restrictions Re: shopping on Sunday
I’m referring to people here claiming there are.
Personal opinions abound. When in ? on anything, for an official answer, always ask for references, “properly referenced” of course, 😎
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My faith was pushed to the freakin limit at college. I’d studied so hard for a test, yet screwed up. In my desperation, I told God that even if he forsakes me, I wouldn’t forsake him. He rescued me on the final, and I landed an A in that class. I was a 1st year student in a class typically taken by juniors/seniors.

I have/had a friend who is a non-practicing Catholic, who shared some struggles with me, and it was through those struggles that I realized how blessed I am to be a practicing Catholic. Dad was on drugs, family broken apart, etc. People who dont go to mass are facing extremely tough lives. They only pretend that all is going well on the outside. Man, without the Eucharist, we’re screwed.

I know I have no power to change other people’s beliefs, but I realize the significance of the words at mass:

“Blessed are they who are called to the supper of the Lamb.”

I don’t know if a lotta people realize this, but WOW, not a lotta people are given the chance in this life to come to mass. I hate it when people see the mass as an obligation, not a gift. The mass is like a Rolls Royce, but a trillion times more important. It should be coveted, not spurned. It should never be a bore. Many others on earth don’t have the chance to be in the presence of the Living God, the divine Trinity, let alone receive that LIVING GOD into themselves. Isn’t that crazy? What God loves a person so much that he wants to be in us? How can people reject our God? I’ll admit it’s not easy sometimes, and even I need to remind myself that.

Just remember, being Catholic is a privilege. One that many people cannot have in this life. They were not chosen, but we were. Remember Jesus’ words: “Many are called, but few are chosen.” Realize, and be grateful. (This I tell myself as well. I’m not a super strong Catholic either, but I strive to be)

Stay Blessed.
Man, without the Eucharist, we’re screwed.
to make your point Jesus said
I hate it when people see the mass as an obligation, not a gift.
As you’ve pointed out so well, all we can do when the opportunity presents itself, is give information.

Meaning, to show that​

Deliberately missing mass / Eucharist on Sunday, one is in huge trouble with God

why one could ask ?

Heb 10: 23 Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful; 24 and let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, 25 not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. 26 For if we sin deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, 27 but a fearful prospect of judgment, and a fury of fire which will consume the adversaries. 28 A man who has violated the law of Moses dies without mercy at the testimony of two or three witnesses. 29 How much worse punishment do you think will be deserved by the man who has spurned the Son of God and profaned the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and outraged the Spirit of grace? 30 For we know him who said, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay.” And again, “The Lord will judge his people.” 31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God."*

Unpacking that​

Once a person is given the knowledge of the truth, v 26


to deliberately Fail to meet on the Day, is already a huge sin

“the Day” = the LORD’S DAY / Sunday/ the Day Our Lord Resurrected (v 25)

From the CCC 2178 And CCC 2181

when they meet what are they doing?​

:heavy_check_mark:They are offering the “sacrifice for sin”, (v 26 ) & “blood of the covenant”( v 29) = the words Our Lord spoke instituting the Eucharist Matthew 26:28 & Mark 14:24 They are celebrating the Mass, the Eucharist

Why is it so serious to deliberately miss mass​

✔️ those who deliberately fail to celebrate the Eucharist on Sunday after being given the knowledge of truth, (v 25 - 26) ◦ there no longer remains, a sacrifice for sin and blood of the covenant for THEM ( v 26) a fearful prospect of judgement awaits Them (v 27) ◦ and a fury of fire will consume these adversaries (v 27)

✔️They Spurn the Son of God (v 29) ◦ They outrage the spirit of grace (v 29)

Based on those consequences described,​

To deliberately miss Mass on Sunday then, is a (grave) as in, mortal sin as the CCC 2181 teaches. Dying in that sin is disastrous for one’s soul.
I would be very happy to become Baptized as an adult.
In the evangelical world, you go into some lake or even a swimming pool and some friend or church member Baptizes you. I lived my life to a senior and I was never even asked. Even when i got married in a church. I wanted something real and meaningful.
Sadly, it can be very difficult taking many months including RCIA and my family is against this for me. Only for Easter. I attended an lay prayer group in an adoration chapel for a year and never invited to mass. I can be very hard to do because most in Catholic church are there for communion even though 2/3 don’t believe in the real presence. It was a lonely place for me and I wish a Priest could just go over everything, or take a exam and let me be part. Even sitting with a neighbor was discouraged there. i want to be wanted and needed there. But Baptism is a great thing.
When I do communion at my Bible church I simply pretend it the real presence of Jesus.
Baptism is a real important thing and I want everything God has for me because I wish to serve Him over my lifetime. Amen.
most in Catholic church are there for communion even though 2/3 don’t believe in the real presence
I don’t think you can make this presumption about Catholics who are making an effort to attend Mass. I have never met an adult Catholic who was a regular Mass goer and communicant who didn’t believe in the Real Presence. In most cases that is the #1 reason the person is even at Mass.
So unless you can read minds or have taken an exit poll yourself at your church, better to not assume.
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It’s just a survey. I’m not catholic and I believe in the real presence. It’s a long difficult journey for me. You are right in what you say.
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I was born and raised Catholic, went to Catholic school my whole life from k-12. Like most of the other Catholic children I was confirmed in 8th grade. In the moment and the next year or so I loved it, I was always very active in my faith. Then I began questioning the Church and reading more about other ideas and was not happy with the Church. I regretted being Confirmed. I left the Catholic Church for 6 years and I’ve come back a little over a year ago to the Church. I am glad I am confirmed, but at the same time I look back and wish that I would have waited until I was older to make that decision.
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