typical user effectiveness rates are higher for many forms of ABC than NFP (
typical user effectiveness is 80%). “The reality is that the 99% effectiveness” quoted for NFP is also potential.
Yes, I did post that in this regard they are equal. Yes, the potential effectiveness (typical user) is the same for both. I think there is confusion for those who do not use NFP though. They think, “Oh they got pregnant - it doesn’t work.” but that is not the case. It works fine, some couples just decide to chuck the chart in favor of the mood at times. Obviously, if they were truely dead-set against having another, they would not have felt so inclined.
Same goes for the pill, just because the lady forgot to take it that morning and ends up pregnant - doesn’t mean the pill didn’t work.
I still stand by my statement that many woman/couples find ABC more convenient… That is simply my opinion…
I can agree to disagree on that, you are entitled to an opinion. It’s worth pointing out though that the marriage bed should not be taken just for convenience sake or not taken for inconvenience either. Love is not that easy or simple to have - it is an illusion to think otherwise.
Westernized women (US or otherwise have about 450 lifetime)) have more cycles compared to traditional societies (about 100 lifetime); therefore, more exposure to endogenous hormones.
Ahhh, my error. When you said “exposure”, I thought you meant as in outside the body - like in water, food or something. Yes, no arguement from me there. Women are having too many cycles.
According the current research, several female reproductive health problems are linked to the frequent cycles, such as ovarian cysts, endometriosis, ovarian cancer, & uterine cancer to name a few. According to the research, the pill decreases the risk of ovarian cancer by 80% and uterine cancer by 40%. If you have studies that contradict this, I am more than happy to read it.
You’ve completely missed the fact that the cause of the high rate of all those female reporductive problems is… ABC! The use of birth control for most of their entire reproductive years is why women are having all those cycles! And yet you recommend that the “cure” for the disease is to keep taking the pills that cause it???
Other than natural periods of amenorrhea related to pregnancy and lactation, I am not sure how to avoid and treat the exposure.
There you go. The miracle of God’s creation is a healthy one indeed.
**I apologize on behalf of the medical community if this is your experience or perception. This is a rather blanket statement and not applicable to all health care providers. The family planning clinics I have provided services for are selective. Title X clinics obtain in-depth histories. I have declined to prescribe contraceptives to women that were not candidates. As I said before, my method overviews were very thorough. If there is zero talk of the risks and benefits, the practitioner is failing to obtain informed consent and this NEEDS to be appropriately addressed. I recognize that not all practitioners are good. **
No apology needed. You haven’t done anything to me - I don’t think anyhow.
(This IS internet after all!)
Perhaps I have been lucky, but none of my clients have experienced life-threatening side effects. It is often said that the incidence of life-threatening complications during pregnancy and childbirth is greater that contraceptive users.
Does it have to be life-threatening to be taken serious?? Regardless, another thing to point out - there are NO hazards, or side-effects to NFP. And if you chose to stop, you don’t have to wait for your body to clear the chemicals out.
**Keep spreading the FACTS on NFP!

Will do! And I pray you do the same! :tiphat: