my heart goes out to you also! My husband and I just went through a very similar ordeal (though our pregnancy resulted from an instance of NOT attending to the window). I was only one and a half months along before I miscarried. It was incredibly hard (even though we only had a short time knowing I was pregnant), but now I’ve realized that I have a baby in heaven and a relationship with my husband that only strengthens through trial. My prayers are with you.
Now to the thread topic: Both of my cousins were created during my aunt’s use of birth control . From a medical standpoint, NFP is far healthier than medication such as the Pilll for the woman as fewer chemicals are put into the body. As for condoms, “The Good News about Sex and Marriage” convinced me of the validity behind the Church’s argument for not using birth control (also catechism and St. Francis deSales). Those were our reasonings behind our choice of NFP.
God bless,
P.S. forgot to mention before my edit: I have known many couples who have successfully used NFP , also a selling pt.
my heart goes out to you also! My husband and I just went through a very similar ordeal (though our pregnancy resulted from an instance of NOT attending to the window). I was only one and a half months along before I miscarried. It was incredibly hard (even though we only had a short time knowing I was pregnant), but now I’ve realized that I have a baby in heaven and a relationship with my husband that only strengthens through trial. My prayers are with you.
Now to the thread topic: Both of my cousins were created during my aunt’s use of birth control . From a medical standpoint, NFP is far healthier than medication such as the Pilll for the woman as fewer chemicals are put into the body. As for condoms, “The Good News about Sex and Marriage” convinced me of the validity behind the Church’s argument for not using birth control (also catechism and St. Francis deSales). Those were our reasonings behind our choice of NFP.
God bless,
P.S. forgot to mention before my edit: I have known many couples who have successfully used NFP , also a selling pt.