Reliability of NFP vs artificial contraception

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my heart goes out to you also! My husband and I just went through a very similar ordeal (though our pregnancy resulted from an instance of NOT attending to the window). I was only one and a half months along before I miscarried. It was incredibly hard (even though we only had a short time knowing I was pregnant), but now I’ve realized that I have a baby in heaven and a relationship with my husband that only strengthens through trial. My prayers are with you.
Now to the thread topic: Both of my cousins were created during my aunt’s use of birth control :). From a medical standpoint, NFP is far healthier than medication such as the Pilll for the woman as fewer chemicals are put into the body. As for condoms, “The Good News about Sex and Marriage” convinced me of the validity behind the Church’s argument for not using birth control (also catechism and St. Francis deSales). Those were our reasonings behind our choice of NFP.

God bless,
P.S. forgot to mention before my edit: I have known many couples who have successfully used NFP :), also a selling pt.
This is my professional experience. I worked in a Title X family planning clinic for 7+ years. As part of the program, a complete method overview was provided to clients seeking contraceptives. This overview included FAM or NFP. Despite the perception of Title X and family planning providers, I honestly provided an unbiased overview of the methods though I only can speak for myself. Women based their decision on the information provided about various methods including the benefits, risks, alternatives, side effects, advantages disadvantages, etc. (see for basic information that may be provided).
Why would someone choose a less effective method to prevent a pregnancy, especially when a failure could result in fatal consequences?
This is a great question. If a woman has not moral objections, why does she still choose ABC. The effectiveness and convenience of a method are two key points of consideration. Malia is correct that many women believe that NFP is less effective than ABC. The effectiveness of NFP is NOT presented as 99% in my medical resources. Most of the information I have read reports effectiveness rates similar to those found on the or the site, which reports the most effective method as BBT with two out of 100 women becoming pregnant. Hormonal contraceptives and IUD/IUS are more effective according to these stats. Condoms are 97% effective with perfect use, which is comparable to the most effective methods of NFP. This leads to the second key point.

ABC is convenient. As Ray Scheel mentioned, sex is always available. This is a common reason for choosing ABC. The spontaneity is not removed from sex. There are women in relationships with partners unwilling to abstain. NFP requires work, dedication, patience, and commitment, but ABC requires very little. There is less chance of user error with ABC. NFP requires work, dedication, commitment, patience, self-control, and sacrifice.
These are my initial thoughts. Hope this answers some of your questions. I am off to address some other responses in this thread.

i do not like this debate. i am ‘anovualory’ which means i might not get my period for 70 days one cycle and then could be 50 the next cycle. it is so very depressing when you are trying to conceive…it took 9 months for us to get our 2nd child. now we are happy with our 2 beautiful healthy girsl, we are estatic with our family of four. now, being anovualtory could be very stressful if we did not take other actions.

i love my faith, jesus knows what is in my heart!
I am sorry that you think this is a debate. For me it is a journey of understanding. I am trying to learn about the scientific reliability of certain birth control options as well as try to understand the reasons behind people’s choices.

As far as I understand it, being anovulatory means not ovulating, and the period a woman may get is really anovulatory bleeding and not a true period. If you conceived then are you truly anovulatory or do you just have cycles that vary?

I had a cycle in my first year being off of the Pill that stretched for more than 4 months. It made it very difficult to determine when it was “safe” to have intercourse and required a lot of abstinence, but hubby and I are committed to using NFP. We, personally, would never use artificial contraception ever again or choose to be sterilized.

Reading Christopher West’s Good News About Sex and marriage helped us come to that decision.

These are my initial thoughts. Hope this answers some of your questions. I am off to address some other responses in this thread.

Thank you Autumn. Interesting post.

I don’t see how using ABC or getting sterilized would offer more assurance…that is why I started this thread
Convenience and the chance of user error is decreased. Irregular cycles and difficulty identifying ovulation are reasons women/couple choose ABC. Unpredictable, irregular cycles can require long period of abstinence..
From a medical standpoint, NFP is far healthier than medication such as the Pilll for the woman as fewer chemicals are put into the body.
This is debatable. For example, a woman’s exposure to endogenous hormones is much greater than our ancestors and is considered a risk for ovarian and uterine cancer. The pill is considered to decrease the risk of ovarian and uterine cancer because of decreased exposure to various hormones. There are serious side effects, but the benefits outweigh the risks in well selected women according to the evidence I’ve read.

You are welcome. I really believe the medical community is not prepared to properly educate women/couples about NFP. This is a huge obstacle in its use. There are other factors, which some have been mentioned, but the medical community is not NFP friendly in my experience. You should see my NFP notes from my nurse practitioner course or read the information in Contraceptive Technology (a family planning clinic “must have”). NFP only courses provide a comprehensive, effective method. I have not found one physician (excpet NFP only) refer a woman/couple interested in NFP to a NFP course, though I know there are some they are not the majority. I actually know women who say they felt pressured by their health care provider to not use NFP or felt stupid for using it.

Anyway, there are several factors involved in the decision making process.

This whole thread leaves me stunned- and happy. At my girls’ Catholic high school, they taught us just how to use the Pill and condoms effectively. They told us what NFP was, but not how it works, and that it was “ineffective at best.”

Then when I recently asked my mum about NFP, she said not to use it when I’m married, because it’s “totally ineffective.”

But this thread has me convinced that NFP is the way 2 go. 👍

If this was my expierience at a Catholic school, I shudder to think what some other schools teach. Maybe that’s how myths about NFP come about, from bad teaching?
Feanaro's Wife:
One of the main influences for me to try NFP was a forum member named rayne89. She has a life threatening condition that would make another pregnancy fatal for her. She has been using NFP for 9 years successfuly to avoid another pregancy. I say another because she has one child.

A failure could kill her and leave her daughter motherless, but would merely make my life very difficult. If she could trust it, so could I. (thank you rayne!)
Wow! Thank you so much. What a humbling experience for me -praise be Jesus Christ. You made me tear up.

I rely very heavily on my temp (thermal shift). Mine are usually quite clear. If they’re not then we wait until they are. Physical signs I use secondarily as added reassurance. I think being on the pill would be scarier for me because if it fails you have no way of knowing and you could be intimate on the day you ovulate. I know when I ovulate.

I place my trust in God, I mean geeze if we can’t trust God who can we trust! This is what His Church on earth says is acceptable for serious reasons so this is what we follow.

Thanks so much again Malia, you’ve really made my day (week, month, year…🙂 )
Feanaro's Wife:
I am sorry that you think this is a debate. For me it is a journey of understanding. I am trying to learn about the scientific reliability of certain birth control options as well as try to understand the reasons behind people’s choices.

As far as I understand it, being anovulatory means not ovulating, and the period a woman may get is really anovulatory bleeding and not a true period. If you conceived then are you truly anovulatory or do you just have cycles that vary?

nope, not debating here but these topics turn into them…the doc used the term anovulatory w/ me, meaning that i do not ovualte always in the middle of my cycle, or in some cycles, i may not even ovualte at all. i had several blood tests during a 3 month time frame which indicated my hormone levels. the most effective way for us to get our precious maura was to use a drug called clomid which is a drug that tells your brain to produce the hormone that allows you to ovulate…then it was simple for us to calculate…it is a wonderful thing!
This whole thread leaves me stunned- and happy. At my girls’ Catholic high school, they taught us just how to use the Pill and condoms effectively. They told us what NFP was, but not how it works, and that it was “ineffective at best.”

If this was my expierience at a Catholic school, I shudder to think what some other schools teach. Maybe that’s how myths about NFP come about, from bad teaching?
I am shocked that a girls’ Catholic high school would teach about ABC. In my part of the state, the local public schools won’t allow condom discussions.

It sounds like the teacher/teachers in your school need to contact Diane Daly, RN, CNFPE from the Dept. of Natural Family Planning
for the St. Louis Archdiocese for more information on NFP. I emailed her a few questions, and she contacted me immediately.

Take care!

astegallrnc said:
Convenience and the chance of user error is decreased. Irregular cycles and difficulty identifying ovulation are reasons women/couple choose ABC. Unpredictable, irregular cycles can require long period of abstinence..
***I would disagree. First let’s clear up the effectiveness of preventing the birth of a baby issue. Both the pill and NFP are approx 97-99% in clinical perfect use situations. However, people are people and they very rarely follow perfect use. Therefore, the reality is that the 99% effectiveness rate so often quoted is more of a 99% potential ***for effectiveness.

Couples using NFP are human. They decide to “risk it”, forget to chart for a few days, or start to soften to the idea of having another. This is not a failure of NFP to work. It’s the full knowledge of the couple to determine how strongly they feel about not wanting another. I assure you, if we were truely scared of death - we wouldn’t be risking it!

Couples using ABC are also human and forget to take their pill, the condom busts, the vas veins heal (it does happen to some!), her sinus meds neutralize her hormone patch, she misses her dr. appt to get her shot, or her cycles go out of wack and her dr. decides to cover up the symptoms rather than treat the problem. What’s convienent about any of THAT?

The difference? At least with NFP you know what chances you’re taking when you take them, you’re not putting chemicals in your system, and you’re not cutting parts of your body to permanently make them malfunction.

*For example, a woman’s exposure to endogenous hormones is much greater than our ancestors and is considered a risk for ovarian and uterine cancer. The pill is considered to decrease the risk of ovarian and uterine cancer because of decreased exposure to various hormones. *
This is not medical fact, it is medical speculation. It isn’t proven to be the case at all yet, but many drs. speak as though it is a clinical fact that the hormone pills are the equal to the fountain of youth.

Besides if there is such a hormone exposure going on - it shouldn’t be treated with a pill. It should be avoid and treated. Heaven forbid we encourage real preventive care.

There are serious side effects, but the benefits outweigh the risks in well selected women according to the evidence I’ve read.
**Again that’s not real life though. It’s very rare for there to be any “well selected women”. When a woman walks in, it’s assumed she’s walking out with an rx for hormonal ABC and the only discussion is about what form is most convienent for her to get it in or if she rather make it permanent. There’s almost zero talk about pros/cons. And the cons are WAY downplayed to the point of being ignored.
Please don’t shoot the messenger. I am sharing my professional experiences based on what women share with me. The question is why do women choose ABC over NFP if effectiveness rates are comparable. I am sharing reasons. These are the experiences and opinions of women, so while your opinion and experience may be different it doesn’t apply to all women. It is difficult to debate opinions.

The typical user effectiveness rates are higher for many forms of ABC than NFP (typical user effectiveness is 80%). “The reality is that the 99% effectiveness” quoted for NFP is also potential. I still stand by my statement that many woman/couples find ABC more convenient, which again is information I am sharing based on my professional experience. I can also state from my personal experience that ABC is more convenient than NFP. It is much easier to pop a pill once a day or get a shot every 12 weeks than BBT, checking mucus, etc. That is simply my opinion, but I accept that other people will have different opinions. NFP isn’t impossible, but ABC was easier and more convenient.
This is not medical fact, it is medical speculation. It isn’t proven to be the case at all yet…
I simply disagree with you. Westernized women (US or otherwise have about 450 lifetime)) have more cycles compared to traditional societies (about 100 lifetime); therefore, more exposure to endogenous hormones. According the current research, several female reproductive health problems are linked to the frequent cycles, such as ovarian cysts, endometriosis, ovarian cancer, & uterine cancer to name a few. According to the research, the pill decreases the risk of ovarian cancer by 80% and uterine cancer by 40%. If you have studies that contradict this, I am more than happy to read it.
Besides if there is such a hormone exposure going on - it shouldn’t be treated with a pill. It should be avoid and treated.

There is that much exposure, approximately 450 cylcles. Other than natural periods of amenorrhea related to pregnancy and lactation, I am not sure how to avoid and treat the exposure.

Again that’s not real life though. It’s very rare for there to be any “well selected women”. When a woman walks in, it’s assumed she’s walking out with an rx for hormonal ABC and the only discussion is about what form is most convienent for her to get it in or if she rather make it permanent. There’s almost zero talk about pros/cons. And the cons are WAY downplayed to the point of being ignored.

**I apologize on behalf of the medical community if this is your experience or perception. This is a rather blanket statement and not applicable to all health care providers. The family planning clinics I have provided services for are selective. Title X clinics obtain in-depth histories. I have declined to prescribe contraceptives to women that were not candidates. As I said before, my method overviews were very thorough. If there is zero talk of the risks and benefits, the practitioner is failing to obtain informed consent and this NEEDS to be appropriately addressed. I recognize that not all practitioners are good. **

**Perhaps I have been lucky, but none of my clients have experienced life-threatening side effects. It is often said that the incidence of life-threatening complications during pregnancy and childbirth is greater that contraceptive users. **

**Keep spreading the FACTS on NFP! 👍 **

We’ve been using NFP for 5 months…so far, so good, as far as reliability goes. We use NFP to avoid conception but if it happens, it happens…frankly, I would be thrilled, DH on the other hand would not be, I’m sure, at least not at first 😉 (he’s very concerned about having “finances in order” before we have kids…I guess he just wants to know that we can provide, which I understand) anywho, honestly one of the best things about NFP is that I understand how things work, when I’m fertile, what certain signs mean, etc…it’s good to know how your body works. When I went on the pill, oh, about 4 years ago when I was 18, the doctor told me I might have a little nausea. Mmmkay. I threw up on and off for 3 months and lost several pounds, and my heart palpatations increased. (I have mitral valve prolapse.) I asked my doctor about it and she said it was normal. That doesn’t seem normal to me! So I think that’s another plus to NFP, besides it being obviously reliable, that it’s natural and safe. I like that. 🙂
Wow! Thank you so much. What a humbling experience for me -praise be Jesus Christ. You made me tear up.

I rely very heavily on my temp (thermal shift). Mine are usually quite clear. If they’re not then we wait until they are. Physical signs I use secondarily as added reassurance. I think being on the pill would be scarier for me because if it fails you have no way of knowing and you could be intimate on the day you ovulate. I know when I ovulate.

I place my trust in God, I mean geeze if we can’t trust God who can we trust! This is what His Church on earth says is acceptable for serious reasons so this is what we follow.

Thanks so much again Malia, you’ve really made my day (week, month, year…🙂 )
Your story always touched me as well, rayne. Back when I was new on the forum and slowly coming to accept church teaching, your story stood out to me. I thought, hey, look what she’s putting on the line for her faith in the church. What am I whining about? It really helped me out a lot. So thank you, from another fellow forum junkie…

As part of the program, a complete method overview was provided to clients seeking contraceptives. This overview included FAM or NFP.

The effectiveness of NFP is NOT presented as 99% in my medical resources. Most of the information I have read reports effectiveness rates similar to those found on the or the site, which reports the most effective method as BBT with two out of 100 women becoming pregnant.

Hi Autumn. Could you please define NFP, FAM, and BBT as it is used in your resources?

The typical user effectiveness rates are higher for many forms of ABC than NFP (typical user effectiveness is 80%). “The reality is that the 99% effectiveness” quoted for NFP is also potential.

Yes, I did post that in this regard they are equal. Yes, the potential effectiveness (typical user) is the same for both. I think there is confusion for those who do not use NFP though. They think, “Oh they got pregnant - it doesn’t work.” but that is not the case. It works fine, some couples just decide to chuck the chart in favor of the mood at times. Obviously, if they were truely dead-set against having another, they would not have felt so inclined.

Same goes for the pill, just because the lady forgot to take it that morning and ends up pregnant - doesn’t mean the pill didn’t work.

I still stand by my statement that many woman/couples find ABC more convenient… That is simply my opinion…

I can agree to disagree on that, you are entitled to an opinion. It’s worth pointing out though that the marriage bed should not be taken just for convenience sake or not taken for inconvenience either. Love is not that easy or simple to have - it is an illusion to think otherwise.

Westernized women (US or otherwise have about 450 lifetime)) have more cycles compared to traditional societies (about 100 lifetime); therefore, more exposure to endogenous hormones.

Ahhh, my error. When you said “exposure”, I thought you meant as in outside the body - like in water, food or something. Yes, no arguement from me there. Women are having too many cycles.

According the current research, several female reproductive health problems are linked to the frequent cycles, such as ovarian cysts, endometriosis, ovarian cancer, & uterine cancer to name a few. According to the research, the pill decreases the risk of ovarian cancer by 80% and uterine cancer by 40%. If you have studies that contradict this, I am more than happy to read it.

You’ve completely missed the fact that the cause of the high rate of all those female reporductive problems is… ABC! The use of birth control for most of their entire reproductive years is why women are having all those cycles! And yet you recommend that the “cure” for the disease is to keep taking the pills that cause it???

Other than natural periods of amenorrhea related to pregnancy and lactation, I am not sure how to avoid and treat the exposure.

There you go. The miracle of God’s creation is a healthy one indeed.

**I apologize on behalf of the medical community if this is your experience or perception. This is a rather blanket statement and not applicable to all health care providers. The family planning clinics I have provided services for are selective. Title X clinics obtain in-depth histories. I have declined to prescribe contraceptives to women that were not candidates. As I said before, my method overviews were very thorough. If there is zero talk of the risks and benefits, the practitioner is failing to obtain informed consent and this NEEDS to be appropriately addressed. I recognize that not all practitioners are good. **

No apology needed. You haven’t done anything to me - I don’t think anyhow.😛 (This IS internet after all!)

Perhaps I have been lucky, but none of my clients have experienced life-threatening side effects. It is often said that the incidence of life-threatening complications during pregnancy and childbirth is greater that contraceptive users.

Does it have to be life-threatening to be taken serious?? Regardless, another thing to point out - there are NO hazards, or side-effects to NFP. And if you chose to stop, you don’t have to wait for your body to clear the chemicals out.

**Keep spreading the FACTS on NFP! 👍 **

Will do! And I pray you do the same! :tiphat:


NFP = Natural Family Planning
FAM = Fertiltiy Awareness Method (AKA NFP)
BBT = Basal Body Temps

Oh Rob’s Wife,

We are on the same side I assure you.

It’s worth pointing out though that the marriage bed should not be taken just for convenience sake or not taken for inconvenience either.

**I provided answers according the the thread originator’s wishes. I completely agree with the Church’s teachings on ABC… see what ya’ll have done to me. 😃 Its all good. **

You’ve completely missed the fact that the cause of the high rate of all those female reporductive problems is… ABC! The use of birth control for most of their entire reproductive years is why women are having all those cycles! And yet you recommend that the “cure” for the disease is to keep taking the pills that cause it???
You’ve completely missed the facts. 🙂 Please give me evidence. I am sincere in this request. I want evidence. The pills didn’t cause it. The comparison is non-users and pill-users. Pill-users have a decreased incidence of these reproductive cancers. Hey, it is the medical evidence I have read. Direct me to other evidence.

I think we would have to eliminate all exogenous exposure to hormnes (foods, pesticides,etc.). It is a toxix environment.

There you go. The miracle of God’s creation is a healthy one indeed

I never claimed to disagree, but this is not really the point of this thead is it???:confused: I got a little side tracked.

No apology needed. You haven’t done anything to me - I don’t think anyhow

For you to make a statement that there is zero talk about pros/cons means you are someone you know has been given poor care. That is a serious concern of mine.

Does it have to be life-threatening to be taken serious?? Regardless, another thing to point out - there are NO hazards, or side-effects to NFP. And if you chose to stop, you don’t have to wait for your body to clear the chemicals out.

Except those 450 lifetime cylces. 🙂 Ahhh, I do agree that the side effects are not taken seriously by many practitiners (I am not one of them).

I am a little confused why the reasons women choose ABC is being disagreed upon or debated. Wasn’t that the purpose of this thread? To understantd why women choose ABC over NFP.

When you remove the moral implications of ABC, then opinons are what you have left. It is difficutl to argue opinions. I have faced this time after time in my practice. It is heartbreaking. I am actually very conservative in my own choices, but I bet you would never have guessed that.


NFP = Natural Family Planning
FAM = Fertiltiy Awareness Method (AKA NFP)
BBT = Basal Body Temps
I am a bit confused. The method of NFP I use is Sympto-Thermal. So BBT is part of it. Why the distinction? When it refers to NFP or FAM, what method is it studying?

FAMs include calendar method, BBT, cervical mucus, and sympto-thermal. A method overview should include information about each of these. Guess how many pages the chapter on FAMs is? SEVEN!!! Can you see why the 20 out of 100 typical users become pregnant. This information is not enough.

Am I answering your question?

FAMs include calendar method, BBT, cervical mucus, and sympto-thermal. A method overview should include information about each of these. Guess how many pages the chapter on FAMs is? SEVEN!!! Can you see why the 20 out of 100 typical users become pregnant. This information is not enough.

Am I answering your question?

Yes, thank you very much.🙂 .

If they are including “calendar method” in the FAM reliabilty, then that would bring the number down significantly. Assuming I am correct in my assumption that the caledar method is just another name for the rythym method.

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