
Dr. Fehring teaches at Marquette, and is one of the leading and most active researchers on NFP in this country.Malia,
I found this article… thanks to a search on the delphi.com NFP forum… that supports some of what I mentioned… convenience, lack of support from health care providers, and lack of information of effectiveness. It states “Women are reluctant to use NFP methods for family planning because of incompatible lifestyles, personal choice, lack of knowledge, lack of access, perceptions of ineffectiveness, and difficulty of use (Fehring, 1995). Another reason is that persons in influential positions (for example, physicians and nurses) have little knowledge of NFP and do not promote or trust the use of NFP as a means of child spacing (Fehring, Hanson, & Stanford, 2001).” jognn.awhonn.org/cgi/content/full/33/1/34#FEHRING-1995
Most of the new in-depth knowledge the medical world is gaining in regard to women’s fertility is coming from those affiliated with the NFP community.
Dr. Hilgers, founder of the Creighton Model NFP method, has recently published the first Ob-Gyn textbook for medical school use that comes with the full experience and scope of the NFP community. Sooner or later the larger Ob-Gyn community is going to have to give up the BCP and start treating women’s fertility in a REAL way, or they are simply going to lose their customers…