St Teresa of Avila: " To reach something good it is very useful to have gone astray, and thus acquire experience."
St Thomas Aquinas was a saint and a great theologian from whom much of our theology is either based on or drawn from. Theology however is fluid - it grows in understanding and knowledge. But our theologians never have the last word as it were. That means that we are not called by obedience to believe what they have to say. We are called by obedience to believe what The Church as The Magisterium has to say on any given subject:
As to spousal relationship with and relating to Jesus as spouse, the Catholic Catechism states:
Para 796: "The Apostle speaks of the whole Church and of each of the faithful, members of his Body, as a bride “betrothed” to Christ the Lord
Those who embrace the consecrated life formally vow Poverty, Chastity and Obedience which is the way of perfection or the way to becoming one spirit with Jesus and are witnesses to the Universal Church of the way to become one spirit with Jesus.
While consecrated life in all its various forms is the state in life professing the evangelical counsels and a public witness to the way of perfection, not all in consecrated life live up to their profound vocation. It could be said that consecrated life is the state in life for Brides of Christ. Mysteriously in God’s Will however, not all are called by Jesus to consecrated life - while they are called, with all of us, to be espoused to Him and to the term known as Mystical Marriage, which most often possibly is not achieved until Heaven.
There is no holiness or following of Jesus without some level of poverty, chastity and obedience. Jesus is the Poor, Chaste and Obedient One.
You seem really stuck insofar as your personal vocational path in life is concerned. You might need sound spiritual direction re discerning what Jesus is asking from you. I might be very wrong! On the internet you are going to get probably all sorts of opinions, including mine, which can be a source of confusions. Even reading various books etc. can be a source of confusion - while a spiritual director will hone in on where you actually are at in reality and the way forward for you. He or she can facilitate the building of understanding and self confidence. In fact a good (wise, educated and holy) spiritual director is an invaluable treasure. Pope Benedict said that spiritual direction is recommended for all who are taking their journey with Jesus seriously
Pope Benedict Recommends Spiritual Direction
The internet, discussion sites, and books, texts etc. can be a great resource - they can also be sources of confusions and non understandings. Nothing can replace quite personal sound spiritual direction and most especially if we do desire for our Unity with Jesus in The Spirit to The Glory of The Father. One God.
Prayer, it goes almost without saying to me, can achieve all things in unity with God’s Will expressed in every moment of our journey.
God bless your journey with and to Him.