I have hated television pretty much since my conversion. I would get rid of the damned (and I do mean damned) thing if my mother (who lives with me) weren’t so obsessed with it. I only watch when she wants me to watch something with her (my spiritual director says this is ok because I’m not watching to entertain myself).
Television preaches every error imaginable in faith and morals, calls evil good and good evil, and shows every kind of bad example it could; even the more decent shows promote a humanistic morality that is inherently contrary to the real thing, and they distract us from God. It’s a waste of time and money, both of which need to be spent serving God, family, and neighbor. Furthermore, it’s as addictive as any drug (ask someone trying to quit), and the influence it has on us all is nothing short of creepy. There is not one good thing about television, and I think it is a huge part of why Catholic culture has gone down the toilet (read up on the effect television has had on Bhutan’s culture and then try telling me it’s not doing he same to us).
Whoever called it Satan’s Tabernacle was right on.