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Married with three children, and recently entered the Catholic Church. We have rented an adjoining guesthouse from my wife's mother (MIL) for seven years. As the years go by and our walk of faith progresses, we are becoming more sensitive to issues gradually accumulating in our multi-generational household.
MiL is an atheist progressive. My wife homeschools the children with a Christian curriculum; MiL generally respects our right to practice our faith, however she explains to the children in their increasingly "grown up" conversations, or will say openly to us in front of them, that she believes the Catholic Church is a negative patriarchal artifact full of arrogant and evil men; Our Lord likely never existed; God likely does not exist; religion is a collection of primitive myths; science alone is true; Donald Trump is an evil man; etc. She always emphasizes that these are her personal beliefs, and the children are free to believe what they are taught, and eventually, what they choose themselves.
In the past, she has raised LGBTQetc flags in front of the house, was disappointed we didn't agree with the gesture but reminded us that she can, of course, do what she want on her property. She was embarrassed when we first raised the American flag on our leased portion of her property, although she didn't stop us because she affirmed our right to do so as renters. She repeatedly calls our children by her last name rather than mine (and now my wife's). Additionally, MiL on several occasions has broken "deals" -- such as threatening to remove our large work vehicle (wife and I run a family business) at our cost when we were discussing buying a larger family vehicle. She explained she didn't realize how much she didn't like the truck on her property until we started talking about buying a new family vehicle and she decided there wasn't enough room (there is, it's a very large property). When we explained that the new family vehicle was not an addition but a replacement, she said it didn't matter -- she'd already decided the work vehicle had to go because she didn't like how it made her property look (too blue collar). She offered to sweeten the deal with money towards our new family vehicle. Not totally unfair -- landlords have such rights, and it's up to us to "take the deal". But still very sudden for us, and a total 180 from her initially position a year before -- we wouldn't have purchased the vehicle if we couldn't keep it on the property.
MiL was a career-oriented single mother, wife was in vitro when MiL was 40. Wife grew up being told by MiL that one day she would be her mother's caretaker. Our children will be young teenagers by the time MiL is in her 80's, and she expects my wife to care for her full-time. We got a taste of it recently while MiL recovered from surgery for two weeks -- wife was practically unavailable to the children the whole time. My wife feels overwhelmed by these expectations, as if she was "genetically engineered" to be her mother's everything, and she feels trapped in our renting situation, where other options are otherwise quite unaffordable without moving very far away from our community and livelihood.
I must emphasize, the dynamic is overwhelmingly positive, friendly, and full of smiles. But these are some negative things that have cropped up over the course of 7 years. 7 years ago, we were ourselves agnostic progressives. Now, we are increasingly traditional Catholics. There is some tension increasing as we address some of these issues, particularly as MiL often brings up politics and attacks my wife's now-conservative views.
As husband and father, I feel disturbed that my wife feels under someone else's control. I am beginning to discern that in order to fulfill my vocation as head of my wife and household, I should be proactive and seek out a more independent situation for ourselves. I love my MiL, and would happily put a guest house on my own property for her. I am increasingly convinced that it is not right, as fair as she is, that my MiL is our landlord and exerts such power over our family while trying to personally control my wife, in addition to being a potentially negative influence -- as neutral as she tries to be, and thinks she is -- in our children's faith formation.
How does the Church guide the role of fathers and husbands with regard to our responsibilities in light of situations like this? Navigating multigenerational homes and in-law dynamics is surely nothing new under the sun!
MiL is an atheist progressive. My wife homeschools the children with a Christian curriculum; MiL generally respects our right to practice our faith, however she explains to the children in their increasingly "grown up" conversations, or will say openly to us in front of them, that she believes the Catholic Church is a negative patriarchal artifact full of arrogant and evil men; Our Lord likely never existed; God likely does not exist; religion is a collection of primitive myths; science alone is true; Donald Trump is an evil man; etc. She always emphasizes that these are her personal beliefs, and the children are free to believe what they are taught, and eventually, what they choose themselves.
In the past, she has raised LGBTQetc flags in front of the house, was disappointed we didn't agree with the gesture but reminded us that she can, of course, do what she want on her property. She was embarrassed when we first raised the American flag on our leased portion of her property, although she didn't stop us because she affirmed our right to do so as renters. She repeatedly calls our children by her last name rather than mine (and now my wife's). Additionally, MiL on several occasions has broken "deals" -- such as threatening to remove our large work vehicle (wife and I run a family business) at our cost when we were discussing buying a larger family vehicle. She explained she didn't realize how much she didn't like the truck on her property until we started talking about buying a new family vehicle and she decided there wasn't enough room (there is, it's a very large property). When we explained that the new family vehicle was not an addition but a replacement, she said it didn't matter -- she'd already decided the work vehicle had to go because she didn't like how it made her property look (too blue collar). She offered to sweeten the deal with money towards our new family vehicle. Not totally unfair -- landlords have such rights, and it's up to us to "take the deal". But still very sudden for us, and a total 180 from her initially position a year before -- we wouldn't have purchased the vehicle if we couldn't keep it on the property.
MiL was a career-oriented single mother, wife was in vitro when MiL was 40. Wife grew up being told by MiL that one day she would be her mother's caretaker. Our children will be young teenagers by the time MiL is in her 80's, and she expects my wife to care for her full-time. We got a taste of it recently while MiL recovered from surgery for two weeks -- wife was practically unavailable to the children the whole time. My wife feels overwhelmed by these expectations, as if she was "genetically engineered" to be her mother's everything, and she feels trapped in our renting situation, where other options are otherwise quite unaffordable without moving very far away from our community and livelihood.
I must emphasize, the dynamic is overwhelmingly positive, friendly, and full of smiles. But these are some negative things that have cropped up over the course of 7 years. 7 years ago, we were ourselves agnostic progressives. Now, we are increasingly traditional Catholics. There is some tension increasing as we address some of these issues, particularly as MiL often brings up politics and attacks my wife's now-conservative views.
As husband and father, I feel disturbed that my wife feels under someone else's control. I am beginning to discern that in order to fulfill my vocation as head of my wife and household, I should be proactive and seek out a more independent situation for ourselves. I love my MiL, and would happily put a guest house on my own property for her. I am increasingly convinced that it is not right, as fair as she is, that my MiL is our landlord and exerts such power over our family while trying to personally control my wife, in addition to being a potentially negative influence -- as neutral as she tries to be, and thinks she is -- in our children's faith formation.
How does the Church guide the role of fathers and husbands with regard to our responsibilities in light of situations like this? Navigating multigenerational homes and in-law dynamics is surely nothing new under the sun!