Report Emerges Claiming That Dr. Deborah Birx Violated Her Thanksgiving Coronavirus Recommendations

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Limit interactions indoors to immediate households for thee but not for me.


Report Emerges Claiming That Dr. Deborah Birx Violated Her Thanksgiving Coronavirus Recommendations​

By Ryan Saavedra

Dec 20, 2020

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Alex Wong/Getty Images

A report emerged on Sunday claiming that White House Coronavirus Task Force Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx violated some of the recommendations that she made about how Americans should proceed with family interactions around Thanksgiving.

During a press briefing on November 19, Birx repeatedly urged people to “increase their vigilance at this moment” due to the number of increasing coronavirus cases around the country and the potential for a post-Thanksgiving surge due to small family gatherings. Part of the guidance that Birx gave was to “limit interactions indoors to immediate households.” . . .
It is troubling that so many government officials have been caught violating their own harsh lockdown rulings. In some ways I don’t blame them. We are social creatures and want to be with other people. Hopefully the lockdowns will be winding up in the near future now that vaccines are being distributed.

Yesterday i was reading about suicide rates in the young due to the lockdowns. It was troubling the read which can be seen herre ~

“Evidence shows toll lockdowns are taking on teenage athletes”

The social isolation and lack of opportunities to compete is taking a mental toll on student-athletes across the country, with one in four teenagers telling the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that they had thought about suicide in the past 30 days.

“We’re living in unprecedented times. I never thought this would happen to my daughter. We fought so hard to give her a good life. We tried to do everything right,” Heather Wendling, whose 13-year-old daughter took her own life in September, told the Washington Post. “Their world has come to a screeching halt, a lot of them. They’re not in sports. They’re not going to school. They’re not hanging out with the friends. … We found out too late, and I don’t want other parents to find out too late.”

Wendling’s daughter, London, is not alone. Researchers fear the mental toll lockdowns are placing on the country’s youth, with one-quarter telling CDC surveyors saying they have considered suicide in the last month.
“We already knew going into this that we had increasing levels of depression and anxiety among young people. … but now we have kids that don’t have school, they don’t have sports,” Dr. Michael Koester, who leads the National Federation of State High School Associations’ Medicine Advisory Committee, told the Washington Post . “Many of us are concerned with that. Obviously, there’s concerns about the virus, contracting it, and passing it on to others. But this isn’t a zero-sum game.”…
In some ways I don’t blame them.
Actually, I think it validates that they don’t believe what they’re telling us. I would think that if this were really as bad as they say, they would be the first to cancel their plans. Their actions speak louder than their words.
This virus has been used as a political wedge from the get go.
Trump was unbeatable up until March of this year.Scare tactics focused on the populace worked like a charm for the leftist Dems…that and voter fraud,a perfect combo for faux success…
When Trump wins the left doesn’t like it but accepts that the guy actually did win.

When Trump loses the Right says he actually didn’t lose but won.
The left didn’t accept anything of the sort.Where have you been the past four years? It’s been nothing but chaos . . . from the left and the leftist owned Dems…you know that
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The left didn’t accept anything of the sort.Where have you been the past four years? It’s been nothing but chaos and bs from the left and the leftist owned Dems…you know that
I’ve been right here. The left didn’t like Trump and attacked him but they accepted that he was the valid President. I have a slew of liberal friends and no one thought that despite appearances Trump did not win.

He won.

And this time around Biden won.
they accepted that he was the valid President.
They tried to remove him with a bogus impeachment, in case you have forgotten.
They acknowledged that he won the election and was the valid President.
They acknowledged that he won the election and was the valid President.
No, they called him illegitimate and started working to impeach him even before he was sworn in. Sorry, actions speak louder than words.
They acknowledged that he won the election and was the valid President.
No, they called him illegitimate and started working to impeach him even before he was sworn in. Sorry, actions speak louder than words.
That is an entirely legal procedure, provided for in the Constitution. It has happened several times in the nation’s history. They all failed to convict. So that fact that this one failed as well is no sign that the effort was bogus.
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It was, after all, just a recommendation.
Yes. It is “scientific” that the virus
will not be transmissable,
unless a political “recomendation” morph into an executive mandate or “law”. (End of sarcasm)

Leaf. Their actions clearly show they do not believe what they are telling the American people.

I mean either she is worried enough about passing this stuff on to shut down her own activities, or she is not.

It’s that simple. This is not rocket science.

If this were a serious widespread threat (say like a “super-ebola”) and I (Birx or any other public health celebrity)
believed this stuff,
as a public health official there is no way, I would be carrying out such dangerous actions.

Then when caught (as usual) come up with the usual litany of
excuses about how important or exempt MY (Birx, Newsom, Fauci, etc.) things are,
while IGNORING the fact that
OTHERS just might have IMPORTANT things
going on in their lives TOO.

It is bogus. This kind of shenanigans is not “science” and “public health”. It just isn’t.

Nobody believes the propaganda anymore.

(I am not saying ALL of the corona issue is “propaganda”.)

The average age of death, WITH corona,
is the SAME as the average age of death WITHOUT corona.

It is actually a little OLDER WITH the corona (I am not suggesting the people who die of corona live longer than average BECAUSE of their corona infections).
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What will I do when CAF is gone and there aren’t dozens of threads filled with clutched pearls, gaping mouths, and pointing fingers: “They’re hypocrites!” Notice that yet again, no one here has actually disproved the measures being required to limit the COVID death rate.
We’ve got Catholic elderly people sitting virtually alone for the last year dying without the Sacraments,
and people like Birx, Newsom, Fauci, Cuomo, Pelosi, etc. wantonly break isolation . . .

. . . And their fellow Catholics sit around making excuses for themselves
(or as is the case with the media) or make excuses for their leftist politicians.

As I said. While their Catholic Christian older friends and family die . . . Without the Sacraments!



“Reckless Betrayal Of Public Trust” - Birx Violated Own Travel Advisory During Thanksgiving​

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MONDAY, DEC 21, 2020 - 9:30

As the virus pandemic aggressively spread across the country ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, Dr. Deborah Birx, a top member of the White House coronavirus task force, warned Americans to “be vigilant” and limit celebrations to “your immediate household.”

Apparently, Birx neglected to follow her own guidelines as she traveled to her beach home on Fenwick Island in Delaware, the day after Thanksgiving, according to AP News. There, she spent time with family from other households. . . .

. . . . (Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday, Birx was one of the leading health officials advising Americans to stay home this year to prevent the spread.

00:48 / 01:36

AP reported that one of her extended family members blew the whistle on Birx’s travels. AP cited Kathleen Flynn, whose brother is Birx’s daughter’s husband, revealed Birx’s trip “out of concern for her own parents.”
“She cavalierly violated her own guidance,” Flynn told AP.
Birx later admitted she spent two days at the beach town and dined with her family . . .

. . . The news of Birx breaking her own coronavirus travel advisory did not sit well with many, and it also exposes a two-tiered system where elites don’t have to follow the rules while everyone else remains in lockdown.

“Another rules for thee but not for me! Tsk tsk,” Fox News Channel host Janice Dean tweeted. . . .
Notice that yet again, no one here has actually disproved the measures being required to limit the COVID death rate.
No one has shown ANY of the mitigation efforts anywhere to be anything more than mere mitigation either.

Yet we are self-destructing over this.

This is inappropriate.

I believe Birx’s actions (in this case)
over her words.
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