Report Emerges Claiming That Dr. Deborah Birx Violated Her Thanksgiving Coronavirus Recommendations

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Mitigation is the point.
The fact that you would use this as an argument only makes my point.

Mitigation merely spreads out the time society gets the infections.

It does not stop infections.

And if incorrect uses of mitigation are undertaken (as is almost universally the case from what I have observed - like fiddling with your mask after taking it down from your rear-view mirror to gain admittance to the store again), as we were told ten months ago. . . . They can make things WORSE.

People only heard PART of the message because they WANTED mitigation and their Government to save them. It doesn’t.

You cannot fight a virus with mere emotions.
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I mean either she is worried enough about passing this stuff on to shut down her own activities, or she is not.
Of course not every threat falls so neatly into the two categories of “ho hum…” and “OMG we’re all gonna die!”. Some threats justify a recommendation, but not a mandate. If public health officials thought it was serious enough to eliminate travel, they would have shut down the airlines. Obviously it is not that bad. But it is bad enough to suggest that those that can, forego unnecessary travel. A continuum is not rocket science. Most evaluations of things fall into a continuum - like this one.
while IGNORING the fact that
OTHERS just might have IMPORTANT things
going on in their lives TOO.
They did not ignore that fact. That’s why the recommendation was only a recommendation and was not binding. Why is that so hard to understand?
The average age of death, WITH corona,
is the SAME as the average age of death WITHOUT corona.
Yes, you posted this irrelevant statistic before, and once again I must remind everyone that this statistic in no way relates to the severity of covid. For example, if we were to compare 10,000 people dying at an average age of 59 with 100,000 people dying at an average age of 59, we could still say “the SAME average age of death” and it obviously has no meaning because the more important statistic is the 100,000 vs. 10,000. Covid is now the leading cause of death, surpassing cancer and heart disease.
It is actually a little OLDER WITH the corona (I am not suggesting the people who die of corona live longer than average BECAUSE of their corona infections).
At least you begin to recognize the problems with applying this statistic.
Of course not every threat falls so neatly into the two categories of “ho hum…” and “OMG we’re all gonna die!”.
That’s “fine” by me.

Tell that to the victims who have been fined or jailed for breaking corona virus “regs”. Because that’s what THEY say too.

But it doesn’t matter (with a quasi-caste system).
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The first story above is not about travel, so it is not relevant to this thread. It was supposed to be about Brix’s hypocrisy. But she did not run a business in violation of the rules mentioned, so…?

The second story is not about a government restriction. It is about a rule that a college enforced. Again, nothing at all to do with Dr. Birx.

It looks like these these postings are just an opportunity to rant about whatever covid-related thing a poster is bugged about.
All of the articles are related to Thanksgiving time frame restriction.

Business serve people and people who travel and gather together use business services . It is not clear that the only Brix family that traveled was the doctor . at minimum her and her husband - but it seemed to me there were other members who also traveled there … and they gathered … in or out - or both over the Thanksgiving weekend? She was absolutely hypocritical and businesses who serve people NOT staying in and not traveling and not following the guidelines are being penalized -

The university may have imposed the actual sanctions - but the directives were in response to government mandates and or “recommendations” - again - people punished for violating the mandates those in power do not have to obey … and I would hazard a guess that though they were not caught - some staff and faculty that same institution also violated the mandate to not travel and escaped repercussions … but that is granted - just my guess

The 3rd article is exactly about gatherings - gatherings in private homes at Thanksgiving and the governor telling people to rat out violators - violations that came with a $1000 fine and 30 days in jail …
LeafByNiggle changing my premise from . . .
Tell that to the victims who have been fined or jailed for breaking corona virus “regs”.

To . . .
No one has been fined for travelling on Thanksgiving.
No, your premise was that Dr. Brix was a hypocrite. You changed the premise when you changed it to people being fined for various other regs besides the ones that you say show she is a hypocrite.
Other people ARE being fined.

I have put many examples of it up.

If you think “Thanksgiving Day” is some sort of an exception for when viral infections spread so be it.

If you want to be legalistic and say “apples to oranges” because there is no national “law” (despite the fact that there are state laws in some place), go ahead and think that too.

Go ahead and think whateve you want.

I stand by my posts.

For everybody else:

This is either a REAL BIG DEAL for EVERYBODY . . .


You can’t have it both ways with the kinds of rules and regs some Governors are implementing and Birx is pushing.
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I think she just lost any chance of serving in the new administration.
They acknowledged that he won the election and was the valid President.
No, they called him illegitimate and started working to impeach him even before he was sworn in. Sorry, actions speak louder than words.
Illegitimate. What does that mean?

He was and for a few more weeks (thankfully) is the validly elected President.

Trump/Rightists are saying Biden will not be the validly elected President but is the spearhead of a vast nationwide fraudulent election. He’s really just a criminal to them.
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