Same-sex “marriage” was legal in Massachusetts years before it became legal at the Federal level. While the Feds didn’t recognize it for things like tax purposes, the Commonwealth did. Much marriage law is state, not federal.fredystairs:
Marriage is a federal matter. Domestic partnerships do not equate to marriage and are a local matter.Freddy:
And how long do you think it will be before someone sues to have this changed to having three or more people getting married? That’s how homosexual marriage came about. And I don’t the Commonwealth of Massachusetts will overturn this.adamhovey1988:
A domestic partnership does not equate to a marriage.Wait a minute, though. Is polygamy legal in the commonwealth of Massachusetts? If not, would not the state government have the right to overturn the town’s law? (Keep in mind, I am not an expert in Massachusetts law)
The sky is not falling.