Report: "Pro-lifers Fear 'Hard-Core Pro-Abortion' Forces in a Biden Administration."

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We are all sinners. No exceptions.
As a Catholic, Biden has an obligation to reduce abortion as much as he can, yet he will expand it. All sins are not the same
  1. Sometimes morally flawed laws already exist. In this situation, the process of framing legislation to protect life is subject to prudential judgment and “the art of the possible.” At times this process may restore justice only partially or gradually. For example, St. John Paul II taught that when a government official who fully opposes abortion cannot succeed in completely overturning a pro-abortion law, he or she may work to improve protection for unborn human life, “limiting the harm done by such a law” and lessening its negative impact as much as possible (Evangelium Vitae, no. 73). Such incremental improvements in the law are acceptable as steps toward the full restoration of justice. However, Catholics must never abandon the moral requirement to seek full protection for all human life from the moment of conception until natural death (USCCB voters guide)
What is it when one abandons the moral requirement and does the immoral?
I don’t think we are able to judge anyone’s soul, including Joe Biden’s. It’s not his past that I’m concerned with. He might have repented, and I hope so.

I’m concerned with His future, one which affects our country, but also the lives of the unborn. It’s about what he continues to promote… then says “I’m catholic”. I believe him when he has a history of doing these things, has had no change of heart (at least publicly), then says he is going to continue… yes I’m concerned. With all respect to yoga pants, they don’t kill children.
I’m concerned with His future, one which affects our country, but also the lives of the unborn. It’s about what he continues to promote… then says “I’m catholic”. I believe him when he has a history of doing these things, has had no change of heart (at least publicly), then says he is going to continue… yes I’m concerned. With all respect to yoga pants, they don’t kill children.
It’s not that I think discussing Biden and his policies is off-limits somehow. It’s just that it seems like we have at least three threads a day that are essentially “hey, what about Biden and abortion?”
It’s just been done and re-done and done again.

Discussing politics is fine, but at this point it’s just taking over the forums and crowding out everything else. We don’t need the 501st thread that is essentially “Joe Biden is pro-choice and that’s bad.” (Yes, it is, but at this point we’ve beaten that dead horse into glue…)
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We don’t need the 501st thread that is essentially “Joe Biden is pro-choice and that’s bad.” (Yes, it is, but at this point we’ve beaten that dead horse into glue…)
Is there a limit on how many threads can be open at once? If you are tired of this type of thread, ignore it
Thank you. Can’t these all be condensed into one topic?
Why? It is in everything Democrat, from the USCCB voter guide
Our efforts to protect the unborn remain as important as ever, for just as the Supreme Court may allow greater latitude for state laws restricting abortion, state legislators have passed statutes not only keeping abortion legal through all nine months of pregnancy but opening the door to infanticide. Additionally, abortion contaminates many other important issues by being inserted into legislation regarding immigration, care for the poor, and health care reform.
Discussing politics is fine, but at this point it’s just taking over the forums and crowding out everything else. We don’t need the 501st thread that is essentially “Joe Biden is pro-choice and that’s bad.” (Yes, it is, but at this point we’ve beaten that dead horse into glue…)
I assume the reason it keeps happening is that people keep contradicting those who say “Yes, it is” with “No, it isn’t” or “You can’t possibly know that! What’s in his heart is invisible and can’t be assessed by what he says or does! If you critique someone else’s actions it means you think you are good!” and so on.

It seems to me like a conversation unlikely to die a natural death. The man’s about to be the most powerful politician on the planet for the next four years, and unless he radically changes one of these two things, he has so far gone out of his way to publicly present himself as:
  1. Catholic, ra-ra, Catholic, look at the beads in my pocket, everybody look at me I’m Catholic, this is what a Catholic looks like,
  1. Pro-abortion, let’s expand abortion, come on y’all it’s just women’s healthcare, what’s wrong with you if you don’t support a woman’s right to choose?
That’s a level of manifest dissonance that, unless it gets resolved within that man (and he starts expressing a single, consistent set of beliefs and actions) is basically inevitably going to mean that all the people around him have to wrestle with the consequences of that dissonance. Perpetually.

You can avoid the threads where it happens. But unless the mods start closing down and deleting conversations about it, I don’t see these conversations dying a natural death. The dead horse may be beaten into glue – but then the glue will be churned into whatever churned glue turns into. (And your comments asking people to please just stop talking about it will just become another part of the dead horse being beaten. Like a barbershop harmony, or a CS Lewis skit where we’re all in purgatory without knowing it and are repeating the lines we chose in life, over and over and over again.)
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As a Catholic, Biden has an obligation to reduce abortion as much as he can, yet he will expand it. All sins are not the same
Our ways are not God’s ways. Pray for our Catholic brother. Pray for afruitful friendship between the Pope and the President-Elect.
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How can pulling a baby from the womb place one in “good standing?” Those are complete contradictions.
Biden’s “good standing” is in name only. Mortal sin separates us from God and the Church – no matter what anyone claims.
Here’s a future Biden speech:
“The Catholic Church that I know is loving and compassionate toward all. People of all races and sexual orientations are welcome there. The government has long supported these ideals by allowing for tax exemption status. The government has long supported parishes, helped maintains their grounds and ministries for the benefit of all. I feel confident that we can continue a mutually beneficial relationship.
However, any church that practices discrimination and does not allow the use of it’s facilities for the benefit of all will have their tax exempt status removed. This small minority of intolerant people…who call themselves Catholic…must not be allowed to thwart the Church’s outreach to all.
For those we say: we are going to remove government support and prosecute offending parishes and pastors.”
That’s the speech you’ll see coming in the next, oh, decade.
The Church could always just agree to be taxed, and tell the government what they can do with their tax exemption.

Bob Jones University lost their tax-exempt status for a time (due to their prohibition of interracial relationships, a morally indefensible stance that has since been changed for the better) and they didn’t perish, as a matter of fact, they’ve done quite well for themselves. Their president told Ted Koppel on Nightline “Bob Jones is God’s school” [sic], and though I couldn’t disagree more vehemently with their stance on this issue, nor with their theology in general, I found him to be a man worthy of respect. I also grudgingly admired the Reverend Ian Paisley for the same reason — couldn’t have disagreed more, but he didn’t BS you, he said what he thought, and didn’t mince words to please other people. We could use more of that on our side of the Tiber.

Perhaps freedom for the Church and her pastors to speak their minds will eventually make loss of tax exemption necessary. Catholics in the pews might have to give more, to make up the shortfall — compared to Protestants, we’re pikers anyway when it comes to giving. Perhaps that is part of the “chastisement” we’re always talking about.

I have long held the pet theory, with nothing to back it up except observation, common sense, and a willingness to “think outside the box”, that Our Lord may have relented and not forced us to endure the “annihilation of several nations” as a chastisement, but rather, allowed us to lose our Faith, our peace of mind, and put our “financial security” on tenterhooks, never mind that billions of impoverished people throughout the world would dearly love to have what we have, warts and all.
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I think it would be far better for the Church to begin refusing government funding for such programs as refugee resettlement, and all the other things that make the charities go 'round. Church officials are reluctant to rock the boat due to biting the hand that feeds them. Perhaps it’s time to re-evaluate whether it is worth being on the dole in that way.
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