Report: The Pronoun Wars: Professor Goes to Court After Being Punished for Refusing to Refer to Transgender Student By Preferred Pronoun

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I can see a person wishing to be called a preferred name. Preferred pronoun? Considering all the hoopley doopley out there with CIS and they etc why on earth cannot people on all fronts simply refer to the patient by name??

There. Problem solved. I won’t even ask a consulting fee. There is simply no reason to have to substitute a pronoun for a noun in this case.

If a person born as Boris wants to identify as Natasha, then “Natasha’ it is, every time. Should make all happy.
Perhaps it is time to sidestep the whole issue and make using gender neutral pronouns a thing. Though English doesn’t really have good singular gender neutral options. “They/their/etc” seems clumsy for a single person. “It” gets you into another level of trouble.
Note, how tha article takes sides (and influences your thinking) by using the pronouns preferred by one side of this debate and not the other.

Kinda like “reproductive freedom” means…
Sometimes when you get a moment of perspective and clarity, you realise how absolutely crazy this stuff is. We’re living in upside down clown world and either pretending, or worse, believing, that it’s normal.
Let me tell you–even happening at Catholic colleges and universities these days. We will see increasing punishments for not buying into LGBT and transgender ideology. Can’t wait (ugh) for the next craziness.
LOL if only—

Seen the public high schools lately?
If a person born as Boris wants to identify as Natasha, then “Natasha’ it is, every time. Should make all happy.
I’m in complete agreement, but I would expect them to legally change their name. I don’t support name changes every couple of weeks as they deal with their inner turmoil.
Nicholas Meriwether, an evangelical Christian, had been approached by a transgender student after class, who demanded he call her by her preferred female pronouns, a request the professor said would not be possible.

The university gave the professor a written warning, who challenged this response in court.

I think both parties have a case. It may well be that the student was in the process of undergoing surgery because of a genuine biological problem. Or maybe he had simply decided that he wanted to be a she.

In the first case I would have no problem in adjusting the way I used pronouns. In the second, I would do a mental eye-roll and still refer to the student as they (see what I did there) would prefer. I would take the position that it’s not a hill to die on.

I think the proff is entirely free to consider it nonsensical but he’s being as beligerant as the student in refusing to use female pronouns. If I were him I would let it be known that I had strong beliefs about what it means to be male or female but I would respect other people’s beliefs (sotto vocce: as nonsensical as I think they are) as long as they didn’t infringe on my beliefs.

Hand shake. Everyone happy. Move on.

I might note that I do tend to have a problem with some of the more esoteric types of identity. I did read an article recently about a woman who felt she was not just one person but a mixture of many. And wanted the pronouns to be plural when referring to her. Or rather when referring to…them.

It was a wierd read because you had to keep mentally adjusting for the pronouns to work out to whom the article was referring. Although her (their?) requirement for the use of plurals was somewhat undermined when she responded to a question: ‘It’s what I believe…’ I thought, shouldn’t that be ‘It’s what we believe…’?
Hand shake. Everyone happy. Move on.
I think deconstructing reality as we know it has consequences that shouldn’t be ignored. I will use Sue instead of Bill if they change their name, but I can’t use improper pronouns just because someone has a whim. Sometimes it’s not all about them.
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Hand shake. Everyone happy. Move on.
I think deconstructing reality as we know it has consequences that shouldn’t be ignored. I will use Sue instead of Bill if they change their name, but I can’t use improper pronouns just because someone has a whim. Sometimes it’s not all about them.
I think that if someone told me ‘You know Dave from accounts? He wants to be known as Jill from now on’, I would personally think it odd but it would be no more that a furrowed brow and a shrug of the shoulders. ‘Really? Well…OK’. And life goes on.

As I intimated earlier, you need to pick your battles, Theo. You need to decide if this is the hill you are prepared to die on. In this case, I see no cause to even fight. Much ado about nothing.
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In many languages this is not an issue. Pronouns have no sex-specific meaning. Let’s modify English accordingly. Makes everything easier. I have never read research on this but I think the lack of sex-specific pronouns may also encourage the adoption of non-sex-specific names in those speaking such languages.

This is already widely done in te Catholic Church with religious adopting the names of saints of a different gender. ‘Sister Andrew’ etc.
as long as they didn’t infringe on my beliefs.
But what if the professor believes that a man is a man and a woman is a woman, and referring to a man as a woman is essentially tantamount to lying and giving in to a subjectivist viewpoint, to which is he morally opposed? Is that not infringing on his beliefs, if he finds it tantamount to lying and confirming someone down a dangerous road for their health (physically and mentally and maybe even spiritually)? Most people are morally opposed to such a thing. There simply has to be better help for these poor souls than feeding into their deceptions.
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I think deconstructing reality as we know it has consequences that shouldn’t be ignored.
The foundation of reality as we know it is … pronouns?
The pronoun (ought to) expresses the reality of the person it refers to it. If I called you “Dog Dan” that would be a deception, correct? That’s deconstructing what is real, and the use of the pronoun “Dog” expresses a lie.
So it’s of course not about the pronoun per se, but the reality it refers to.
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Perhaps it is time to sidestep the whole issue and make using gender neutral pronouns a thing. Though English doesn’t really have good singular gender neutral options. “They/their/etc” seems clumsy for a single person. “It” gets you into another level of trouble.
Or we could leave it as is since it is consistent with biological reality and not compel all of human society to cave to the whims of a few mentally ill persons.
Yes! Let’s believe science. Biology knows there are TWO genders. God Himself has told us so, and God has created them so He should know.
Sheeesh…it truly is a mad world…

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