Good points all, I will agree with you that other aspects of God (way of knowing things and free choice) are sufficient to seperate him from “mindless deistic forces,” which is a strong truth, whether his personhood is knowable by reason or not. Way to bring the question into focus. I don’t think whether God’s personhood is knowable by reason alone or not is an altogether empty question, but your point is clear; the concept of personhood shouldn’t be thought of as necessary for establishing many other important truths about God.philosophical details aside, i think you may be trying to get the concept of “person” to do more work than is needed…
proving god is “personal” is not so much a matter of demonstrating that he can accurately be placed in some forensically precise phiosophical category - “person” - so much as it is a matter of being able simply to distinguish the First Cause/Prime Mover/Pure Act of natural theology from a mindless, deistic force…
look, i’m not fussed if you want to say that we can’t know that god is a person via the light of natural reason; what we do know is that god has (propositional) knowledge and is so far forth in some sense rational, and he has free choice. whether or not we call the thing that possesses those properties, a “person” is secondary. don’t you think?
what matters is that we can know that god is a thinker and a chooser.