Response to America Being Protestant

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I think you are confusing patriotism with nationalism.

It’s perfectly fine and natural to think your country is the best so long as you can acknowledge it’s faults.
United Statian just doesn’t sound right.

Most of America is Catholic if you are talking North and South America. For sad reasons.
No, I am not confusing the two. We worship God, isms can get in the way of this and lead us onto that wide easy path. We also put blinkers on and become very subjective.
OP, I don’t know how anybody can say America was founded on Protestantism. It is hardly even an -ism. Protestant is just an umbrella term for not Catholic or Orthodox and encompasses so many and sometimes ideas.
being the greatest nation in the world
For NOW that is. It’s only been a few hundred years. Just a blip in history.

One may as well say the ancient Egyptian was the correct religion, or the Mycenaean Greece, or the Roman pagan gods before Constantine. They were all glorious once. The same will happen with America.

The only insitutution that has lasted the longest and still exist today is the Catholic Church.

If the world lasts another 5000 years, I’m 100% certain that there will still be a pope. But the POTUS in 5000 years? Not sure about that.
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Who said anything about putting country before God? I’m just saying that love of one’s Homeland is good and natural. Just like love of family is good and natural. I never said prioritizing it above all else. That would be nationalism.
Israel, God’s own place, containing the holy sites , greatest nation on earth.

We all run a sorry second to Israel.

Love of homeland is ok, but isms carry that love into a self oriented and often distorted place.
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What parts of America’s political foundation is uniquely Protestant? If anything. it’s just plain Christian.
The one uniquely Protestant thing I can remember is Prohibition, and we all know how that ended.
The influence of noted protestant churchmen like George Whitfield at the time of the Revolution did affect the Founding Fathers. Both the first and second “great awakenings” had a lot of influence on both America’s founding as well as its initial period of development.
The United States was founded on Enlightenment values, not Christian ones. Your founding fathers were deists and even Masons. Some were Protestant. Some were even Catholic Christians.
Jefferson comes to mind 🤔
All of the america’s were take for the weath man wanted. They wanted Gold or land or power including the 13 colonies.

The people already on fhe land were forced to convert. Mostly they were killed or forced to work or died from disease. Or it was done by reproducing. Conversion wasn’t the desire. It was one tool. We are told to spread the good news. Not insist. It was genocide done to get away from European countries already attempting the same thing. Let’s take the case of Ireland. English came and took the land. Took the cereal crops and sent them a overseas. Left the Irish small parts of land to survive on the potato. When those crops failed it was starve or convert or die or leave the country. 25% died, 25% left the country. The English would have us think it was a conversion exercise to get away from the false Catholic Church. And they were successful in forever changing a portion of the Island.

Would we want Islam to attempt to convert us using the same methods we used in the america’s?
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And don’t forget that there are those people who still think that the world monetary system is controlled by the Jews…conspiracy theories and jealousy make ideal bedfellows…and anti semitism thrives in that environment
Lol you need to go study some history.

Go and look at royal proclamations from the Spanish crown about how the natives were to be treated. Look at what the church said.

Yes, there were bad people involved who didn’t follow the orders they were given, but it is better that the pagans were converted than left to practice human sacrifice.
And don’t forget that there are those people who still think that the world monetary system is controlled by the Jews…conspiracy theories and jealousy make ideal bedfellows…and anti semitism thrives in that environment
The world monetary system is controlled by the pagan goddess Juno Moneta and the devil (who is also Juno Moneta) who interfere from their alien ships to everything that has 6 written on it three times. Please don’t ruin it for me just when I thought I figured the source of all the invisible threads of this world [and dream to control it…😈 ]
Yeah, and another myth about the U.S. is that the Pilgrims and Puritans came over for religious freedom for all. Not true–of course they wanted their OWN freedom, but certainly not that of other religions.
I think I read that the U.S. is actually officially more Catholic now than Protestant. Any verification for that?
It was my major.

As the various indigenous nations, who have survived, how it happened?
Mexico is an entire nation of what’s left of the indigenous people that lived there, plus the descendants of some Spanish and mixed race people. Most of Peru, Colombia, etc. are majority indigenous or mixed. They just adopted the superior culture of their conquerors.
Mexico is an entire nation of what’s left of the indigenous people that lived there, plus the descendants of some Spanish and mixed race people.
Are there a lot of descendants of immigrants in Mexico? I know there are groups of mennonites and mormons who immigrated there. What percentage of Mexico 's population is European , non-Spanish immigration.
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