Restaurant workers out of work again as virus surges anew

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Do it” for WHAT?

You can’t “emote” away a virus.
Then quit trying.
Look at the facts. Start talking sensible measures that have worked in other countries.
Operation warp speed is not going to do it.
100 days of masking and other tools might just.
We’ve had lockdowns, masks, and social distancing.

People have been insisting to me this would deliver us.
Well we need more and good contact tracing and above all, people taking this seriously. Dont travel for the holidays, dont go out.
I have been saying for months this is just mitigating (just like the knowledgeable public health people who I got that from).
Unfortunately for you this virus is way ahead of what you are saying.

There is only 1 way to slow this. It works overseas.
First off, not all areas have “mandates”. Most have suggestions. Second, people aren’t following the mandates or suggestions…especially as time has moved on. People get weary of following the rules and gathered with family, went into crowds and restaurants and gyms and churches and rallies. Six feet of separation became three. Masks weren’t worn correctly and many quit wearing any at all.

And now we are seeing what has happened because of it. There is an entire group of people that have never taken any rules seriously and they have continued to spread the virus. People aren’t staying home when sick, heck, they aren’t even staying home when exposed to others that have tested positive. A large enough group of people have been ignoring the rules and now we see what happens.

If we had been vigilant and respectful of the rules…all of us…this wouldn’t be near the numbers it is. The epidemiologists know it, the medical community knows it but certain people just refuse to follow the rules. They need their Liberty! They need their Freedom!

Well, thanks a bunch! They are the reason that the economy is going to stay in the pits until the vaccine has had its chance to work throughout the population. Of course, many of this group won’t take the vaccine either. If it’s a large enough group, we will be dealing with this pandemic for another year or two instead of rejoining society by probably late this summer. If we are still having huge spikes in infection after the vaccine has become available for all, remember to thank all those against the vaccine and following the guidelines.
First off, not all areas have “mandates”.
That’s part of the point.

Places like New Jersey or countries like Spain have had severe mandates.

And they are ALL getting “spiked” right now.
Second, people aren’t following the mandates
They have never followed them to a “t”.

We all know that.

That is PART of WHY I have said what I did about a “mask”.

What is a “mask”?

Is it something hanging from many people’s rearview mirror for weeks on end until they go into stores?

If so, THAT is not equivalent to medical personel.

There are so many other issues I could raise it is dizzying.

But I won’t.

You either get the principle or you don’t.

So this is enough information for now.
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I agree that the mask situation is pathetic. Why have we never gotten a clear description of what a mask is, what it should be made from, how to wear it properly, how often to change or clean it and finally, how to get our hands on a good one.

Who should have delivered those messages? Who should have encouraged their wearing by being an example? Should this have been each governor of 50 different states? The mayors of thousands of cities? Or, perhaps, one unifying voice for the entire country? Perhaps the president should have shown some leadership here?

Each state sets their own policies for compliance. How has that worked? Should crossing state lines during a pandemic be illegal? That way, states that did almost nothing to mitigate the virus couldn’t just continue to travel and thwart all the efforts that other states tried to accomplish. Americans are some of the most selfish people on the planet and our Covid numbers show exactly that. We are paying the price of our selfishness right now. Good job freedom lovers! You have set us back months in the Covid battle but by gosh, you sure didn’t wear a namby pamby diaper on your face!

All the mitigation rules work when the majority of citizens follow them. We didn’t fail at mitigating this virus because of the rules. We failed because we are too self centered to be bothered with stinkin rulz.
All the mitigation rules work when the majority of citizens follow them. We didn’t fail at mitigating this virus because of the rules. We failed because we are too self centered to be bothered with stinkin rulz.
Yup. We earned all these deaths.
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