Return of yet another oldie - TPAM [The Poster After Me]

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No, but I consider myself a Catholic Christian first, and an American a distant second…

TPAM has been injured by fireworks.
No, not yet. Though I have heard they do work. Thanks for the reminder
Start with 3mg. They can make you really drowsy, and too much just makes you a zombie all day. (Found this out the hard way ;; )

Back to the topic:

Fortunately no, I have not.
TPAM is flexible.
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Not familiar with it, so…no…

TPAM has done some damage to a vehicle by hitting a deer.
Yep. More damage to the deer,however.
TPAM has hit a skunk while driving.
I’m retired now, but back in the day, I worked the evening shift [3:30 - midnight] for 25 years.

TPAM is an avid golfer.
Wrong. I have lived in a couple of different apartments, as well as college dorms.

TPAM lives in a house he or she owns.
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Not anymore, though did once own my own home.

TPAM is saving to buy their first home.
Every cent is going for college tuition.

It is morning where TPAM is currently.
Very early morning - pre-dawn, actually…

TPAM is experiencing a drought.
Rarely, but yes.

TPAM will go to the gym tomorrow. :weight_lifting_woman:
I wish I could muster up the energy to exercise. I wouldn’t go to the gym with COVID-19 even if I could, though!

TPAM has a set of hand weights.
A set as in “two”? Yep. Not an entire set (multiple pairs), no.

(When I exercise regularly my energy levels actually go up, so not exercising because I lack the energy to would be a vicious circle for me. Strange but true story. YMMV. Agree with you on the no-gym-due-to-COVID-19 thing, though.)

TPAM’s area has gone back into lockdown after an initial easing of restrictions.
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No. I never eased restrictions. My wife and I follow the CDC and Johns Hopkins reports and see the trends.

TPAM barbecues regularly.
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