Return of yet another oldie - TPAM [The Poster After Me]

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I haven’t done it in 45 years. I didn’t have the money to continue after I was certified, and now I have the money, but no longer the desire.

TPAM has been to Korea.
Umm, wish that was the case, but sadly it isn’t.

TPAM is a member of an online garden forum.
No. My wife swears I kill plants just by being in proximity of them. Except crepe myrtles. I don’t think a nuclear blast would kill one of those.

TPAM loves swimming in swamps.
No. Ewww.

TPAM goes for a long walk once a week. (At least three miles [five kilometers]) :walking_woman::walking_man:
No. Too hot. Way too hot. And humid.

TPAM - swims in a pool on a regular basis (at least once per week).
No, but would like to live near the beach.

TPAM has a favorite show on TV/Netflix etc.
Favorite show of all time is Mushi-shi, but I don’t believe it’s on any streaming service.
So I guess I’ll picker HunterxHunter since I’m currently rewatching it on Netflix, but I don’t really have many favorite shows.

TPAM still has a VHS player.
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