Hi there, I didn’t feel that you were ranting at all, possibly expressing some frustration but definitely not ranting.I am a father. When I wish to communicate something important to my children, I do not leave them cryptic clues from which none of them reach the same conclusions-- and then, punish them for not being able to get the instructions right.
Firstly, I just wonder, and please forgive me if this is too intrusive, but has something significant happened in your life…maybe a tragedy or some misfortune, or some loss of some kind…that has caused you to doubt your faith? Or has the doubt just evolved organically?
Secondly, maybe I should clarify that I believe you are right…God speaking is something of a metaphor mixed up in a mystery, but nonetheless speak he does. But like any relationship we have to do our part and learn not only to listen but to understand.
Additionally, I have come to realise over the years that this ‘speaking’ is not in terms of specific, detailed instructions but in principles. I’m not one of those people he has ‘told to buy a lottery ticket, where to find a parking space, or what colour to paint the house’. I believe that God has given us a brain and free will for a reason, and He expects us to use them!
As a parent of adult children I don’t tell them what to do any longer. I hope that the principles I’ve taught them will help their decision making. And I’ll offer them advice if they ask for it. But I don’t make their decisions or give them instructions.
Of course, sometimes they make mistakes, sometimes even quite painful ones, but they eventually learn from them. That is growth. But I never punish or criticise them for their mistakes…I just love them and help them to heal. And that’s how I see God.
God is love and all He can do is to love unconditionally. I don’t believe in a punitive God any longer. That’s been a journey in itself…I had a punitive, critical human father and I naturally projected my experiences onto God. I couldn’t have been further from the truth.
Hope that helps. Don’t give up…I believe that in questioning you are growing and that you will find the answers you are looking for.
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