Joe is being gracious, here. And I think he’s sincere, as he has lost several family members and knows in spades what it’s like.
I am happy to see gestures like this as it is a hopeful sign that civility is not entirely dead.Joe is being gracious, here. And I think he’s sincere, as he has lost several family members and knows in spades what it’s like.
Interesting to see people who have condemned things like this in Trump do the very same thing. Pretty much cancels out any virtue they claimed previously.This reminds me of a line from someone’s rendition of the story of Cinderella (I think that was the story). At the end of the movie the evil step sisters find themselves in a position of needing help and go to the now married Cinderella. When they ask for help, Cinderella tells them that she will ensure that they receive every courtesy that they had extended to her.