A romantic embrace and kiss on the mouth is not a perfectly acceptable ending for a meeting between a young man and young woman serving to show they are having a great time. It’s a physical act serving pleasure only, and thus a kind of masturbation.
A romantic kiss is the moral equivalent of bringing yourself to climax?!? You must be joking. Equating kissing with masturbating and calling it “a physical act serving pleasure only” implies to me that for you there isn’t serious emotional content in a romantic kiss. I’d not share that with your future spouse.
In fact, I’d say that is one of two chief reasons it should not be done lightly, nor, as a rule, with even two different people simultaneously: it encourages the formation of a serious emotional tie that might logically lead to both marriage and serious temptation. Kiss two guys, and you are very likely to hurt one of them. Kiss even one, and you’re treading on holy ground.
The other reason is that to give serious kisses out lightly encourages others in the attitude that it means nothing and leaves one in the position of wanting to give someone you really do feel strongly about something
more. (Yikes.) That
doesn’t mean that kissing two guys on the same day is a mortal sin.
The fact that something isn’t mortal doesn’t mean that one is free to do it, let alone to tell others they can do it. I nowhere say that my view of exclusivity includes allowance for anything sexual or prohibition from meeting people and having fun with friends.
I am only saying that it not okay to tell the world that something is a mortal sin when it is not. It is not okay to misrepresent the faith to make your point. This is a big deal. Someone who believed you might avoid receiving the Eucharist after having kissed more than one person. That is bad advice.
If romantic kissing is so light that it’s perfectly acceptable to kiss multiple people on dates, then why isn’t it allowed to married people, as well?
Even totally platonic friendships have to be reined in when you marry. Ask a priest friend if he can play golf. If his work is done, he’s probably free to say “yes.” Unmarried men can decide to quit their jobs and spend the summer hiking the Pacific Crest Trail. Your married friends had better check with their wives and consider the needs of their children. Their lives are no longer their own.
The truth is, there isn’t a reason in the world I couldn’t use your line of thinking to argue that all women ought to all wear the burka, because men so easily fall into lust. Why do you think it is advisable for women to have male friends at all? Ok, it’s not a sin, but over all of history, when has it been okay for unmarried women to go out and choose their own male friends? Practically never, except in liberal societies. We all know the risks… is it worth it?
Do women
need male friends? It would be difficult to prove the point. Women in traditional societies did fine, didn’t they? Some would say more so than now. In fact, why do women really need to choose their husbands, or men choose their wives? Has it made them happier? Their marriages aren’t lasting longer, that’s for sure. What do young people know about what it takes to be married? Essentially nothing. Why let them presume they have any idea what to look for in a spouse? Because living a moral life is more than a game of avoidance. A moral life is, first of all,
a life.
If you let your daughters have male friends, let alone romantic attachments, you are playing with fire, are you not? How can you argue with that? Because it is appropriate for a holy man to want more for his daughter than the absence of temptation.
I’m not saying that your stand is inappropriate, per se. I am saying it is one of many levels of thought on the subject held by good and holy parents. Just as you would not be sinning by allowing your daughters male friends, other parents may judge that their daughter is ready to date before she is ready to marry and not sin, either.
PS If your daughter ever comes home and tells you she kissed a man other than her steady boyfriend, don’t you dare call her a slut. Don’t even use language like that around your girls. That would not just be a sin. It would be a crime… since it would all but ensure that you wouldn’t be taken into confidence if the stakes were ever truly high.