As for kisses, not every kiss is sexual in overtone. You also are comparing apples to oranges. To state that if it is right for someone to have an innocent kiss, then it is right for a priest to kiss someone reminds me of the trap that the Pharisees tried to set for Jesus when they asked him if the people should pay taxes. Let’s not even go there with this one because no way can you compare the two examples of kissing.
Last thing, then I am done with it. I will agree to disagree. For you, dating must have a mission: find a mate. For most people, eventually, that is true; however, just to go out and enjoy the company of another person is not wrong, and that isn’t a sin, and it isn’t undesirable to learn about other people and have male or female friends before settling down. I also highly doubt that hell or even purgatory are filled with people who have had a good-night kiss of brief duration when their dates have left them off at the front door.
So the question is, how far can you take it without taking it too far, right?
No, that’s not the right way of thinking. Also, to claim that dating is merely enjoying the other person’s company is a fallacy. If it were so, it would be allowed in marriage. And isn’t it infedility to date romantically and kiss romantically after you’re married? Just what is it you’d be seeking? One doesn’t need to have romance to enjoy the company of a person of the opposite sex. Where did you get the idea? Can’t people keep it just friends if they aren’t equipped to have it steady? If they aren’t equipped to have it steady, they aren’t equipped to have it at all. Marriage is a sacrament of permanence and stability, not of suddenly switching from polyamory to monogamy.
Women and men can have a conversation, for one. They can share sports activities, play some games like chess or cards, dance, whatever. They don’t have to romance each other to enjoy the company. This is also true for dates. Good knight kisses may be on the cheek and may be fraternal. Why insist on making them mouth, romantic etc?
There’s either friendship or love. And love is exclusive. Polyamory is wrong. There’s no such thing as a totally asexual romance and even if there were, it would still not be proper for married people, for example. Getting to know doesn’t include getting to know first-hand in romantic situations any more than it does to have foreplay with many people before deciding whom to pick for the permanent exclusive sexual partner. The concept is broken. I will not agree to disagree because in my opinion I would be committing a sin if I did. Polyamory simply cannot be reconciled with the Christian concept of permanent exclusive marriage and erotic love leading to it and serving it before the time of marriage. It’s unjustified consumption, for one. It creates vain hopes and disorder in heart. It’s doomed from the beginning because it can’t find fruition in the monogamous model of marriage – unless the multiple romances are all going to carry on after the person decides to marry and have sex with only one of his many lovers. And if they are not lovers, why do they insist on taking pleasures which are meant for lovers and for purpose other than pleasure itself?
It’s getting physical for the thrill of it. If not physically sexual, it’s sexual on the emotional level unless it’s fraternal. Yourself, you say it would be totally inappropriate for a priest. So what, would be appropriate for a married person who has sworn himself or herself to a single human person as much as the priest has sworn himself to God for chastity? If it would make cheating in marriage, how comes it’s supposed to be allowed with many people before marriage and with no connection to it?
Sure, you can kiss on the mouth without feeling a genital sexual reaction. But what about the quite physical thrill, increased body pressure, fuzzy feeling in the tummy and the general sense of being a man or a woman and enjoying a piece of female or male body (respectively)?
Is it also allowed for homosexual couples now? Perhaps to learn about men, a man needs to romance them and kiss them romantically? Or a woman kiss women? I’m telling you: to get to know the opposite gender on a social level, one doesn’t need any more romance than for his own gender. Would you say I don’t know men because I don’t romance them? No. So does a girl need to romance and kiss many boys at the same time to know the gender? Obviously not. And getting to know someone doesn’t give any entitlement to consumption.