Maybe I’m just very watchful of what I call whom as to avoid confusing everyone else, or even myself. If Son of Man were a unigender term, I suppose we could attribute it to Mary?The Rosary Center is as orthodox and reliable as it comes. You can learn TONS about Catholic teaching by reading the articles in their newsletter, which they archive here:
One of the keys of understanding and appreciating Catholic devotion, is to dispel yourself of the rock-ribbed fundamentalist attitude of “either/or.” In this case, unless a title is clearly exclusive (such as “Lord” for Jesus), there’s no reason why it can’t be applied to someone else. Just because Jesus is called “the Morning Star” doesn’t mean that Mary can’t be called “the Morning Star” as well. Just because we refer to “Smokey** the ** Bear” doesn’t mean there can’t be anymore bears running around out there. Jesus could not be so petty that he would mind sharing a term of endearment with his own Mother.
There’s a difference between “not being able to honor her enough” and wrongfully calling her what she is not. Maybe I’m just being finicky, or it’s the ex-Protestant in me.