Rumsfeld Blasted For "Auto-Signing" Letters to Troop's Families

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Catholic Heart said:
I am offended by the question of "What’s the big deal?"

I would like to know why you think you have the right to be offended. Although I disagree with those families who are complaining, I support their right as military families to have an opinion on the issue. As more than one military member (or former) has pointed out, a letter from the SecDef for most of us is NOT important. If I had served when William Perry was SecDef, I would have felt the same way, as would my wife and family. The important letters come from fellow troops and commanders. Anythin above that is a form letter, whether it’s signed by hand or not.
OK, everyone!

Cool Down!

It’s the OP’ s M/O - a rash of posts critiquing and beating up on everyone and then silence for 3-4 weeks and then it goes again - I don’t pay it any attention anymore, it’s gotten tiresome.
OK, everyone!

Cool Down!

It’s the OP’ s M/O - posts critiquing and beating up on everyone and then silence for 3-4 weeks and then it goes again - I don’t pay it any attention anymore, it’s gotten tiresome.
Catholic Heart said:
Why are so many of you rushing to defend Rumsfeld…No matter what he does or doesn’t do? Admit it…He was wrong not to have personally signed those letters, particularly since Prsident Bush…who is a a VERY busy man…sighns his.

I am offended by the question of “What’s the big deal?” The “small” things, like a personally signed letter are always a big deal…It’s the little things like that that count int he long run. They show a person’s true character.

I don’t think Rumsfeld was wrong at all. I think his leadership in running the DoD has shown plenty about his true character.
I don’t pay it any attention anymore, it’s gotten tiresome.
Like I hear every time my kids watch Nemo - “Just keep swimming, …” 😉

In response to the cool down post:

I was rather disappointed when I felt we had a fairly good discussion going about Canada, WWII, isolationism, …, and it got suspended. Remember that you are writing to a bigger audience than whoever you reply to! Ad hominem may help you relieve stress, but it ruins your effectiveness in getting ANY point across. Heated discussions are good - personal attacks are B.A.D.
Like I hear every time my kids watch Nemo - “Just keep swimming, …” 😉

In response to the cool down post:

I was rather disappointed when I felt we had a fairly good discussion going about Canada, WWII, isolationism, …, and it got suspended. Remember that you are writing to a bigger audience than whoever you reply to! Ad hominem may help you relieve stress, but it ruins your effectiveness in getting ANY point across. Heated discussions are good - personal attacks are B.A.D.
Mr. (or Ms??) Dog,

That is the problem with electronic communication. Once you have psuhed the “send” button, you are toast. Yes, you can edit here, but that causes problems. Thank God Christians don’t fight with each other, right?
Thank God Christians don’t fight with each other, right?
Yeah, that’s something that could never happen. 😉

:hmmm: Can’t think of us ever fighting amongst ourselves…
I just cannot believe that people are making such a big deal out of this. Have we become a nation of touchie-feely oversensitive weenies or what?
Sadly, Yes we have. Its all about “Symbolism over Substance.” to borrow a quote.
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