Rumsfeld: Military is evolving

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What are you, the forum’s English grammar teacher?
Every forum should have one. Thankfully, I’m not it 😉
What are you, the forum’s English grammar teacher? Go get a glass of milk and some cookies and lay off the caffienated products chief, you’ll live a longer and happier life.

The above should read (emphasis added to highlight corrections):

What are you**:** the forum’s English grammar teacher? Go get a glass of milk and some cookies**,** and lay off the caffeinated products**,** chief**. You’ll** live a longer and happier life.


– Mark L. Chance.
What are you, the forum’s English grammar teacher? Go get a glass of milk and some cookies and lay off the caffienated products chief, you’ll live a longer and happier life.
Hey someone’s got to do it…
What are you, the forum’s English grammar teacher? Go get a glass of milk and some cookies and lay off the caffienated products chief, you’ll live a longer and happier life.
Actually, I think of myself as the beneficiary of a solid Catholic liberal arts education and I teach 8th grade CCD not English (although I am just as tough on them about grammar and spelling as I was in the post above, poor communications skills are unacceptable.) However, if you scroll back up to my post and read the initial quote from F2R regarding the solid grasp of vocabulary and ability to convey clear thoughts and ideas you’d understand why I went through the post with a red pen. There is a literary term for this: Irony.

I thank you for your advice. I don’t really care for milk though, never have. I have gorged myself silly on cookies (my wife has kept the oven going constantly for the past few days as she is want to do every Christmas.) I will continue my mass consumption of caffeinated beverages as caffeine is one of the four basic food groups along with sugar, single malt scotch, and good beef cooked rare. I plan on emulating my ancestors and living quite long and I am quite happy. A sense of humor in this world is essential to dealing with the trifles you encounter from day to day. I wish you a blessed and happy Christmas.
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