S. Dakota legislature passes abortion ban

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I read about that… I’d like to know where to send a donation to myself.
Does anyone see the massive amount of irony here?

The pro-aborts are complaining that:
  1. Taxpayer dollars will be spent by SD to defend this new legislation against PP.
  2. If SD does find a way to utilize private donations for the defense of the law, it would be a loophole.
So it’s OK for taxpayers to pay for abortions and PP’s massive profits, but not to use taxes to defend a legitimate law.

I’d read somewhere that Gov Rounds was supporting a grassroots campaign to raise money for legal fees in the effort to protect this bill.

Does anyone know of an address or website for contributing? I think I read that he was calling for a $10 per person suggested donation.
Oooops, a rewrite…

Article on abortion measure

Even before he acts, there is money on the table. An anonymous donor has pledged $1 million to help the state fight the inevitable legal battle for the measure, backers of the provision say. Abortion foes also are urging those in their camp to mail in donations of $10 each to Rounds for the same purpose.
No report about who these people are, or a website…
I assume you are talking about the bill. Who should be thankful for that? Satan?
No, anyone who doesn’t think it is a good idea to force a religious moral on people who don’t want it forced on them.
So it’s OK for taxpayers to pay for abortions and PP’s massive profits, but not to use taxes to defend a legitimate law.

Would you have defended the right for South Dakotans to have an abortion when it was a legitmate law?
Would you have defended the right for South Dakotans to have an abortion when it was a legitmate law?
No law that defies the natural law is legitimate. There are higher powers than the government.
No, anyone who doesn’t think it is a good idea to force a religious moral on people who don’t want it forced on them.
Thinking that people ought not be allowed to kill babies isn’t a “religious moral.” Abortion isn’t a religious issue. It is a human rights issue. You blather constantly about not forcing this, that, or the other thing, but think nothing of using lethal force against the unborn.

– Mark L. Chance.
Would you have defended the right for South Dakotans to have an abortion when it was a legitmate law?
No, it would be a sin to do so. Just because it is legal doesn’t mean it’s right. In Nazi Germany it was legal to gas Jews. Would you have defended the Nazis “right” to do that? Far more innocent children have died in abortion clinics than the Nazi concentration camps and have not had a chance because they were ripped from their mother’s wombs, which should be the safest place for them. Our constitution guarantees the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. There is no right to abortion in the constitution. The Catechism of the Catholic Church is quite clear on this subject. Anyone that encourages, or suggests an abortion as an ends or a means is guilty in a grave sin by association.
Catechism of the Catholic Church:
2272 Formal cooperation in an abortion constitutes a grave offense. The Church attaches the canonical penalty of excommunication to this crime against human life. “A person who procures a completed abortion incurs excommunication latae sententiae,” “by the very commission of the offense,” and subject to the conditions provided by Canon Law. The Church does not thereby intend to restrict the scope of mercy. Rather, she makes clear the gravity of the crime committed, the irreparable harm done to the innocent who is put to death, as well as to the parents and the whole of society.
Catechism of the Catholic Church:
2271 Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable. Direct abortion, that is to say, abortion willed either as an end or a means, is gravely contrary to the moral law:

You shall not kill the embryo by abortion and shall not cause the newborn to perish.

God, the Lord of life, has entrusted to men the noble mission of safeguarding life, and men must carry it out in a manner worthy of themselves. Life must be protected with the utmost care from the moment of conception: abortion and infanticide are abominable crimes.
Catechism of the Catholic Church:
2322 From its conception, the child has the right to life. Direct abortion, that is, abortion willed as an end or as a means, is a “criminal” practice (GS 27 § 3), gravely contrary to the moral law. The Church imposes the canonical penalty of excommunication for this crime against human life.
Catechism of the Catholic Church:
2274 Since it must be treated from conception as a person, the embryo must be defended in its integrity, cared for, and healed, as far as possible, like any other human being.

Prenatal diagnosis is morally licit, “if it respects the life and integrity of the embryo and the human fetus and is directed toward its safe guarding or healing as an individual. . . . It is gravely opposed to the moral law when this is done with the thought of possibly inducing an abortion, depending upon the results: a diagnosis must not be the equivalent of a death sentence.”
Didcahe (from 50 A.D.):
The second commandment of the Teaching: “Do not murder; do not commit adultery”; do not corrupt boys; do not fornicate; “do not steal”; do not practice magic; do not go in for sorcery; do not murder a child by abortion or kill a newborn infant. “Do not covet your neighbor’s property; do not commit perjury; do not bear false witness”; do not slander; do not bear grudges. Do not be double-minded or double-tongued, for a double tongue is “a deadly snare.” Your words shall not be dishonest or hollow, but substantiated by action. Do not be greedy or extortionate or hypocritical or malicious or arrogant. Do not plot against your neighbor. Do not hate anybody; but reprove some, pray for others, and still others love more than your own life.
No law that defies the natural law is legitimate. There are higher powers than the government.
And the government doesn’t have to answer to them just because we think it’s right, or that they are there. Beauty of America.
And the government doesn’t have to answer to them just because we think it’s right, or that they are there. Beauty of America.
There is no abortion “right”, it had to be “read” into the constitution by activist judges. New scientific data confirms that abortion has many harmful side effects on the women that “choose” an abortion. Unfortunately, these women aren’t always given all of the facts before they “choose” to end their pregnancy. Why are these people more concerned that a woman has an abortion than be given an honest look at the whole facts? MONEY. Also, most of the people who were instrumental in getting Roe. V Wade “passed” were vehemently racist. Plus, the person that brought Roe V Wade to court is now pro-life.
  1. Abortion causes post traumatic stress in women.
  2. Abortion can make it impossible for a woman to have children later in life.
  3. Abortion hurts the fetus, yes the fetus does feel pain.
  4. Babies that were ripped out of their womb after an abortion but survived, were left to die by abortion personnel at “clinics”.
  5. Babies have distinct DNA from their mother when they’re a fetus, thus constituting a separate organism inside the mother.
  6. Abortion has links to cancer.
  7. Abortion clinics do all that they can to shield the mother from another point of view, such as an adoption as an alternative.
  8. Abortion is about money, not about women’s rights and has become an industry.
  9. More little girls are aborted than boys.
  10. Sonograms are being used to tell mothers that there is a high possibility that a child has autism and being recommended to abort it. This is genocide as it is the killing off of a person because he/she doesn’t meet the “standards” of their parents.
  11. There is a better alternative to abortion: adoption.
You can be pro-choice now, but when you were in your mother’s womb would you have supported your mother’s “right” to an abortion? I doubt it, it would have been suicide.
Semper Fi:
  1. Sonograms are being used to tell mothers that there is a high possibility that a child has autism and being recommended to abort
There is no way to detect autism by sonogram- none whatsoever.
And the government doesn’t have to answer to them just because we think it’s right, or that they are there. Beauty of America.
That attitude will lead to this country’s undoing. Many great nations have risen and fallen- and have been much more powerful in their time than this country could dream of being now. America is not invincible, and moral crisis leads to political unrest. History has shown that.
this is good newa and i hope this is the case that gets your american roe v. wade overturned, maybe it will seep up here

a shout out to the people of South Dakota! w00t!
That attitude will lead to this country’s undoing. Many great nations have risen and fallen- and have been much more powerful in their time than this country could dream of being now. America is not invincible, and moral crisis leads to political unrest. History has shown that.
I’d rather die an American free to live my life according to whatever religion I choose than live under the yoke of someone else’s idea of what I am allowed to be. If America does what America was made to do and it still goes down, then we gave it our best shot, and it’s the rest of the world that had the wrong idea. If we don’t do that, then we can’t even look back and say “At least we tried.”

America isn’t like other nations. Even ignoring that this would not lead to the country’s undoing, we do not exist just to keep existing. If we fail in our purpose of providing a free place to worship from whatever Church you wish, of allowing people to live without having views forced on them, then we have failed.

If we allow any one beleif system to have sway over our country, then our country will be dead in spirit long before it dies in body. And I’ll still be on her side, if I’m there for it. But I won’t be on the side of an America that other people would make her. I’ll be on the side of a real America. What we were meant to be. What we should be. And what it will be, as long as someone stands up and points to the would-be contollers and says “This is wrong.”

If we can do that, we’ll have run our course bravely and truely. And we’ll still be The United States of America.
I’d rather die an American free to live my life according to whatever religion I choose than live under the yoke of someone else’s idea of what I am allowed to be.
No, you’d rather people be allowed to kill babies than admit you’re wrong. Everything you typed is just more sophistry to justify grave evil. Killing unborn children is grotesquely immoral. No one has a right to kill unborn children. Note the period.

– Mark L. Chance.
And the government doesn’t have to answer to them just because we think it’s right, or that they are there. Beauty of America.
Perhaps not in this life…
If America does what America was made to do and it still goes down, then we gave it our best shot, and it’s the rest of the world that had the wrong idea. If we don’t do that, then we can’t even look back and say “At least we tried.”
Let’s see… “One nation under God.”

America was founded on the principle of religious freedom, not moral freedom. Does this make sense to no one anymore? :confused:
No, anyone who doesn’t think it is a good idea to force a religious moral on people who don’t want it forced on them.
That’s cute. Obviously, this is not a question of religion. Show me a religion that advocates the killing of babies.

Meanwhile, consider the mindset of much of this great nation before (and for quite a while after) the Dred Scott decision. It went something like this:
“How dare that evil government tell me that my slave is a human being worthy of (almost) the same rights as me! Why should they try to impose their morality upon me?”
Your pseudo-patriotic arguments are absurd and ignorant of one very important fact: Abortion denies the most fundamental right guaranteed by this country, LIFE.

Is it more important to change the minds of misguided people about abortion instead of imposing a restriction upon them? Sure it is. But, under a obstinately false idea of freedom, this is much harder to do.
That’s cute. Obviously, this is not a question of religion. Show me a religion that advocates the killing of babies.

Your pseudo-patriotic arguments are absurd and ignorant of one very important fact: Abortion denies the most fundamental right guaranteed by this country, LIFE.

Is it more important to change the minds of misguided people about abortion instead of imposing a restriction upon them? Sure it is. But, under a obstinately false idea of freedom, this is much harder to do.
Without right to life, all other rights are meaningless. It is the highest of any.
Without right to life, all other rights are meaningless. It is the highest of any.
How true! No matter how much one tries to twist the arguments or ignore the facts, this is not simply a religious matter. It is pure logic that tells us that in the absence of life, there are no other rights to be had.

Even an atheist must admit that once one dies, there is nothing else that can be given or taken away.
Let’s see… “One nation under God.”

America was founded on the principle of religious freedom, not moral freedom. Does this make sense to no one anymore? :confused:
Makes sense to me! 🙂
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