I would not change the current law, no. There is certainly a scientifically proven point before which a fetus is just a fetus, and a point during the process of growing when it becomes a human. And anyway, were I a woman, I wouldn’t do it. My reasons for it are 2:
- The people who call themselves pro-life are often only pro-life until the child is born. At that point, it is implicit that they are supposed to make do without help from anyone but family. But oftentimes families cannot support them. Often times they are crack babies or premature or have other issues, and the incidence of responsible parentage is lessening and lessening, and it cannot be blamed on any of the issue buzzwords that people like to throw around. What it is is, many pro-lifers don’t care after the baby is born. They don’t want to pay any more taxes to get these sorts of kids homes, because they aren’t their kids. Their kids are happy with a room of their own in a nice house or at least a nice apartment. They don’t want to pay more to fund schooling for these kids who likely can’t afford it. Why should they? Their kid’s education is provided for.
You see what I am saying? If you want to be “pro-life” it takes more than waving a sign or marching in a crowd. I have utmost respect for the relatively few people who put their money where their mouth is and go out and help kids they don’t have to help. But the majority of people would rather yell and holler about the injustice of abortion, then look the other way once it comes time to be something called a community and actually help provide for those who aren’t as fortunate.
- It’s not my decision. Plain and simple. If it were me, if it were my wife, I’d have to put my foot down. But that’s me. That’s who I can handle. And when I see the ways that these rabid pro-life people act…as stated above…I just can’t live with telling people I do not know what to do, when I know I don’t have the means to back it up later. This is responsibility. Knowing what you can do and what battles really need fighting. Abortion is a buzz-word. It’s an easy issue for politicians to trot out. A one-word issue, often greeted by not many more words in response. But very few people actually understand the implications. The complexities of the issue. And those that don’t, don’t want to. This forum is proof of that. They don’t want to know and they don’t want to learn, they just want to spout. This is a generalization, but in this case it’s more often true than it is false.
It comes down to whether you think you have the answers. I don’t think so. I have no answers except one: forcing your morals on everyone is wrong. Plain and simple, it’s not what America is.