Same-sex marriages: Let it be!

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You appear to repeat your earlier post XndrK so my earlier remarks stand.
My solution is to have the state back off and stop recognizing marriage at all until the Church rebuilds the institution and makes marriage mean family again. Then bring civil marriage back on the table.
The Church has not changed the meaning of marriage, and cannot cause others to conform to its understanding.
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Well, sir, if they don’t need sex, i.e. procreation, why would they need marriage?

The Same Sex Marriage protestors are supposed to be for love and tolerance but their behaviour demonstrates a lack of tolerance and respect. At this point, words such as love and justice have been hijacked by the left, allowing them to brand anyone with a different view as hateful and homophobic, and therefore (to them) deserving of abuse and violent retribution.
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the gay agenda has a powerful force backing it. Same-sex marriage will become an acceptable norm worldwide.
Saruman: “Against the power of Mordor there can be no victory. We must join with him, Gandalf. We must join with Sauron. It would be wise, my friend.”

Gandalf: “Tell me, ‘friend’, when did Saruman the wise abandon reason for madness?!”
Will same sex marriage become a norm in the world of Islam, which is on track as a cultural force to supplant both Christianity and secularism in the West?
Will same sex marriage become a norm in the world of Islam, which is on track as a cultural force to supplant both Christianity and secularism in the West?
Given tighter religious cohesion, and the presence of religious leadership in the political class, that would seem unlikely in the immediate future.
And you have not said why we need civil marriage in the modern West. It seems like another bureaucratic something-something that governments can use as a bludgeon to bash the heads of churches with – “You’re discriminating against certain types of marriage; you should go to jail.” In a system in which homosexual unions can be recognized as marriages by the state, the church – any church that doesn’t fall in line – is under threat.

Again, civil marriage doesn’t do anything for the state and given that marriage and the family are now two separate concepts in the state’s mind, I don’t see why we need to give tax breaks to two people who like to have sex with each other. They can have their goofy little ceremonies or whatever; I shouldn’t be forced to recognize their so-called marriage.

That’s why we shouldn’t have civil marriage in the modern West.

Are you happy now?
The Same Sex Marriage protestors are supposed to be for love and tolerance but their behaviour demonstrates a lack of tolerance and respect. At this point, words such as love and justice have been hijacked by the left, allowing them to brand anyone with a different view as hateful and homophobic, and therefore (to them) deserving of abuse and violent retribution.
I don’t understand why police made no arrests?
If anyone cared for others on the deepest levels, they could never be for something that puts their immortal souls in danger. “Catholics” who are pro-SSM or any other sin need much to learn their faith.
First, a functional sexuality reproduces it’s kind. There is heterosexuality and asexuality.

No such thing as homosexuality.

I can tolerate people with SSA coming out socially about it. I just can’t handle it when their sexual behavior is given the dignity of a functioning sexuality.
We must remember that God ordained marriage to be between a man and a woman. It is a sacrament. The first purpose of marriage is the procreation and education of children.

We may love these people for they are created by God and have a soul. But it is a sin, an abomination to God to have a same sex relationship. It is the exact opposite thing to what Jesus instituted at the wedding of Cana.

You must pray for these people to come back to God.
If anyone cared for others on the deepest levels, they could never be for something that puts their immortal souls in danger. “Catholics” who are pro-SSM or any other sin need much to learn their faith.
The will should not be encumbered unless it puts others in some real physical danger.

Catholics who believe that the government of the US should be beholden to a specific religious view when establishing its laws needs to re-learn what a “secular government” is.

I don’t think SSM is valid. But I also fully recognize that this government just as much belongs to people who do as it does to you or me.
“I think that gay people who get married are under a strong spell of Satan. but because it’s popular for them to be under Satan’s spell, we just ought to leave them enspelled.” 🤨 Bit of a mixed message there, bud.
Catholics who believe that the government of the US should be beholden to a specific religious view when establishing its laws needs to re-learn what a “secular government” is.
I don’t object to SSM because of a religious view. I object to it because it contradicts human nature and contradicts reality. Human beings are either men or women. The two sexes are physically complementary, and thus capable of procreation. Those are facts of biology and anthropology and anatomy. Marriage is an institution has always been based on the possibility of procreation. Only a man and a woman can engage in the marital act. Same sex couples are incapable of being marital, incapable of being conjugal, incapable of life giving marital relations, incapable of marriage.

The law ought to recognize reality, not fantasy. A man is not a woman. A woman is not a man, nor can one sex be made into the other sex. Nor can a non-marital coupling be marriage.

But it seems that we live in an age when unreality rules. That is a recipe for disaster.
In the meantime I prefer to be friendly, kind and loving to my gay brothers and sisters, and that to me does not mean that I lecture them about their sex lives which first of all are none of my business and second of all I’m quite sure they already have enough angst and worry and sturm und drang about without my barging in there.
Preach!! 🙌🙏
I don’t object to SSM because of a religious view. I object to it because it contradicts human nature and contradicts reality.
Yes, which arises from our understanding of marriage as intrinsically “sexual”.

Certainly there are other legal difficulties that arise for persons wishing to be “united” before the law in the absence of marriage. Eg. End of life care etc. It is unfortunate that civil unions did not become a universal alternative.
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