Few on either side does their research.
On the no side, too many people still follow this ridiculous appeal to authority (don’t worry, the Catholic left does it all the time with climate change) of God/Bible/Vatican says so and that’s supposed to be that.
On the yes side, we are just supposed to automatically just give them whatever they want because they have “friends” who they think want this—and I do mean THEY THINK because it’s all part of this Western nonsense that some folks think they know what’s best for others and get to speak for them…because their “friends” or something.
The anti same-sex marriage advocates have lost. Marriage equality is the new normal. Many governments including the USA allow for marriage for all and there are more on the way. This is not something that will be reversed. I am not sure why this is worth being debated, except to frustrate those against marriage for all.
Just wait. The forces holding up so-called gay “marriage” are selfish, fragile and treacherous. The second it seizes being cool, a lot of people who currently support it will turn their backs on it----even to the point of making GLBT second-class citizens for REAL, not this fake “WAHHHH!!! conservatives hate gays” stupidity.
How many people do think are going to die at the hands of say radical Islam or sharia law activism in order to help their “friends”? I’d bet you real money that these people who say they are “friends” with all of these gay people have not ONCE asked them what they really want. They just ASSUME that based on this cultural Marxist notion of group identity. Of course, if you wander from the reservation even a bit like Dave Rubin or Milo Yiannapolus, you’re a white supremacist or something.
So-called gay “marriage” will not last. The assumptions you make, frankly, are based on the lies its supporters tell. But they are just that----lies on top of lies on top of lies.
Look at who is gaining power in the world. It’s mostly forces that will not tolerate so-called gay “marriage” and will use force to stop it, and they are making serious inroads into places where it is legal.
Do you really think that they are going to win a culture war against Russian Orthodoxy, sharia law or the Chinese propaganda machine?
A lot of these people marching in the streets are so far gone upstairs that they would JOIN them once the wind changes direction on this issue.